YouTube Cracks Down on Far-Right Videos as Conspiracy Theories Spread

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We arent talking RIGHTS. Can you think of life outside the scope of the law at all????? How boring can you be that the only possible conversation you have is 'but the law says'.

You can take a company to task on moral grounds, without ever having the support of law. Laws are often compromises, ideals dont compromise. We are discussing the ideal of Free Speech.

But I am also talking about moral ideas. You want to stifle Youtube's free speech, their freedom of association, their property rights. If your view is "They should have to host things they don't like," then you are saying you want to infringe on their rights. Ideals DO indeed have to compromise because with things like rights because the only way for unlimited rights to exist is for only one person to have them. If we are all going to have rights, it means that my rights and your rights will come in to conflict at some point and we'll have to compromise on that, we have to discuss where do we draw the line, how do we balance things.

The reason I'm hammering on this so hard is because this situation right here is a consequence of the right-wing libertarian ideals: The idea is that you have a right to do whatever you want with your property (some take that to the literal extreme), that you have a right to do what you want with your money, and that you don't owe others anything in terms of equal time or access or use. Ok fair enough, I don't agree with that ideal but the US in general has gone quite a bit that way (not completely, there are restrictions, but much farther than many countries). However you then have to accept this is one of the results of that. A company can do something you don't like, they can use their platform to espouse views you disagree with and shun those you do and that is just them exercising their rights. Their property, their money, their platform, their rights.

If you don't agree with that, that's fine, I don't agree with it. I think we need a more left-wing view of freedom and particularly corporate rights. But it is highly hypocritical and inconsistent to want a very laissez faire, "I can do what I like with my stuff," situation but then to not want that for others.
There are alternatives. The more we use them, the more viable they become. I don't really go to youtube for education reasons anyway. Just stupid stuff on my phone, like terrible driver videos, while I am waiting somewhere with nothing to do. I have learned one thing from youtube for certain though. Russians drive like they hate each other. ;)

There are alternatives, which are quickly de-listed by Google for search at their discretion. There are alternatives, which Youtube shuts down the channels of. There are alternatives, which Twitter won't verify and decouples comment chains to decrease exposure. I'm for alternatives, but those alternatives are being suppressed by the most popular media avenues available today, and the average person has no idea.

All they do is watch CNN, read the newspaper, maybe catch some Twitter feeds or Facebook news and Youtube content, perhaps Google a bit and they are deliberately only being fed one side of the argument, and become convinced that the other side is so obscure that it must be crazy because someone has decided that they don't get to see it.
But I am also talking about moral ideas. You want to stifle Youtube's free speech, their freedom of association, their property rights. If your view is "They should have to host things they don't like," then you are saying you want to infringe on their rights. Ideals DO indeed have to compromise because with things like rights because the only way for unlimited rights to exist is for only one person to have them. If we are all going to have rights, it means that my rights and your rights will come in to conflict at some point and we'll have to compromise on that, we have to discuss where do we draw the line, how do we balance things.

The reason I'm hammering on this so hard is because this situation right here is a consequence of the right-wing libertarian ideals: The idea is that you have a right to do whatever you want with your property (some take that to the literal extreme), that you have a right to do what you want with your money, and that you don't owe others anything in terms of equal time or access or use. Ok fair enough, I don't agree with that ideal but the US in general has gone quite a bit that way (not completely, there are restrictions, but much farther than many countries). However you then have to accept this is one of the results of that. A company can do something you don't like, they can use their platform to espouse views you disagree with and shun those you do and that is just them exercising their rights. Their property, their money, their platform, their rights.

If you don't agree with that, that's fine, I don't agree with it. I think we need a more left-wing view of freedom and particularly corporate rights. But it is highly hypocritical and inconsistent to want a very laissez faire, "I can do what I like with my stuff," situation but then to not want that for others.

How about if every media source except one media conglomerate was shut down tomorrow. They 100% controlled everything you saw or hear. There was no independent news. There were no independent reporters. I'm a 100% proponent of free speech, but this is okay to you? You see no repercussions?
YouTube is also skewing their search results. Type in "Florida School Hoax" and all of the MSM videos about the shooting are displayed. The videos YouTube wants you to see, not what you asked for. None of the search results are of any hoax theory videos.

YouTube is controlling the narrative.
I am all about the 1st amendment, freedom to say what you wish, HOWEVER there ARE LIMITS to that freedom.

If you advocate the following:

Subjugation of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Elimination of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Advocate violence against ANY PERSONS and or groups for the same reasons above, FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

YOU DO NOT have the right to use your rights to advocate for the removal of those same said rights that "you" yourself enjoy because you think you are superior in some way Cletus. Fuck that shit, I'm not playing that and it is the right wing trash that seems to be more than happy to yell / post / video the following "ideas":

Kill / remove / take away the rights of those ni****s.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those Jewwwwssss...cough, er I mean "globalists"
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those spics.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those mooslams.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those faggots.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of ANYONE who dares not to conform to what these shitbags term "right".
Those kids were method actors!
There is a pedo ring in a pizza joint!
There is sperm in that picture of Obama (Dog whistle (Further translation: I don't actually have the balls to say this outright) mooslam ni***r!
On and on and on and on with this shit for brains retardation. I will celebrate the day when we as a nation, as a society kick this trash back to the unheard curb where they belong.

So yes, if someone like me had their way, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, Limbaugh, Savage, and the rest of the propo bullshit pumping right-wing filth called "media" would be silenced with extreme prejudice.

Hate away.
Private company has a private platform they can do the frack they want with allowing / disallowing content dont like what they are doing too bad take your toys and go find another platform
YOU DO NOT have the right to use your rights to advocate for the removal of those same said rights that "you" yourself enjoy because you think you are superior in some way

So yes, if someone like me had their way, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, Limbaugh, Savage, and the rest of the propo bullshit pumping right-wing filth called "media" would be silenced with extreme prejudice.

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
How about if every media source except one media conglomerate was shut down tomorrow. They 100% controlled everything you saw or hear. There was no independent news. There were no independent reporters. I'm a 100% proponent of free speech, but this is okay to you? You see no repercussions?

You seem to be confused here: I don't think that's a good thing, and I'm not advocating for it. Rather I'm calling out people who seem to think that government regulation = bad, money = speech, and I can do whatever I want with whatever I own that this is one of the results of that. You don't like it? Then perhaps we need some more regulation for open access, perhaps we need to stop treating corporations as people, money as speech. Perhaps we need limits to property rights and so on.

I want people to consider the ramifications of their beliefs and take ownership of it.
I am all about the 1st amendment, freedom to say what you wish, HOWEVER there ARE LIMITS to that freedom.

If you advocate the following:

Subjugation of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Elimination of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Advocate violence against ANY PERSONS and or groups for the same reasons above, FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

YOU DO NOT have the right to use your rights to advocate for the removal of those same said rights that "you" yourself enjoy because you think you are superior in some way Cletus. Fuck that shit, I'm not playing that and it is the right wing trash that seems to be more than happy to yell / post / video the following "ideas":

Kill / remove / take away the rights of those ni****s.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those Jewwwwssss...cough, er I mean "globalists"
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those spics.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those mooslams.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those faggots.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of ANYONE who dares not to conform to what these shitbags term "right".
Those kids were method actors!
There is a pedo ring in a pizza joint!
There is sperm in that picture of Obama (Dog whistle (Further translation: I don't actually have the balls to say this outright) mooslam ni***r!
On and on and on and on with this shit for brains retardation. I will celebrate the day when we as a nation, as a society kick this trash back to the unheard curb where they belong.

So yes, if someone like me had their way, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, Limbaugh, Savage, and the rest of the propo bullshit pumping right-wing filth called "media" would be silenced with extreme prejudice.

Hate away.

Nice strawman.

Right now if you believe in the second amendment, think Trump is doing a good job, or believe that legal immigration is the route to citizenship - you are suppressed.
Nice strawman.

Right now if you believe in the second amendment, think Trump is doing a good job, or believe that legal immigration is the route to citizenship - you are suppressed.

When you enjoy the military parade in DC and beat your chest in celebration of greatness, tell me again how you're suppressed.
There are many, many nuances to this discussion. You say "if you believe in the second amendment" as if someone who thinks Trump is an idiot can't believe in the 2nd.. well think again.
That legal immigration is the route to citizenship is fine with many, many folks, myself included. But that has nothing to do with the Dreamers, or a large set of other circumstances regarding folks who are in the US illegally.
Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

No, because these people make their living advocating for THAT VERY THING. They advocate for the removal of the people (or the removal of those peoples rights) that they "think" have "ruined" good ole god fearing white 'murica - they just don't have (for the most part) the balls to say so outright. Hence, dog whistles, dog whistles everywhere...TOOT TOOT!
So let's see:
  1. Liberal, anti-gun cabal (consisting of, at a minimum: Students, school staff, police, EMTs, and medical examiners) stages a school shooting in order to stoke public support for banning assault rifles. This ruse is assisted by the (possibly complicit) mainstream media, YouTube, and Google.
  2. Disturbed nineteen year old shoots up old school in fit of rage.
Which of these seems more likely?
Private company has a private platform they can do the frack they want with allowing / disallowing content dont like what they are doing too bad take your toys and go find another platform

Stop making sense. Pick a side and rabble rabble like most!
No, because these people make their living advocating for THAT VERY THING. They advocate for the removal of the people (or the removal of those peoples rights) that they "think" have "ruined" good ole god fearing white 'murica - they just don't have (for the most part) the balls to say so outright. Hence, dog whistles, dog whistles everywhere...TOOT TOOT!
Yet that is exactly what you advocated. toot toot. If you can't see that, I am not sure how past willful blindness due to high levels of indoctrination.
Pretty disgusting consider it took youtube almost a year to crack down on those weird cartoon/live action brainwashing videos targeted to kids.
Took them less than a month to pull this bullshit.

i say we ditch youtube, let the billionaire youtubers fend for theirselves..
dtube or steemit look good
so can some billionaire from the right please startup a competitor?

a lot of us are getting a bit sick of Youtube.

at least then , it gives content creators and consumers some real choice , rather than begrudgingly accept whatever the head honchos at Youtube says
But it's youtube... Since when were we supposed to care what they do?
Videos of actual witness testimony disappeared from YouTube from the Florida shooting.
This is false. You can still find videos on this on YT.

YT did pull some fake ones though that were pushing conspiracy theories that some of the people were crisis actors though if that is what you mean.

Yeah these are not Pizzagate channels. These are legitimate conservative channels
Hahahaha Jerome Corsi pushes all kinds of conspiracy theories as fact (ie. birtherism, whacked out version of 9/11 Trutherism where the govt. flew F4's into the buildings, Illuminatii New World Order crap, etc.) and Cernovich likes to roll with Alex Jones and his various conspiracy theories about crisis actors at shootings and blaming the LV shooter on some sort of deep state scripted anti gun 2nd Amendment attack.

The others are just as bad in their own weird way even if they didn't push Pizzagate they push so much other BS that its about damn time someone banned them.

It's another to actively cheer for those viewpoints to be censored.
Banning liars, conspiracy theorists, and shitheel shills hocking their snake oil and t-shirts isn't censorship. Its a public service.
So let's see:
  1. Liberal, anti-gun cabal (consisting of, at a minimum: Students, school staff, police, EMTs, and medical examiners) stages a school shooting in order to stoke public support for banning assault rifles. This ruse is assisted by the (possibly complicit) mainstream media, YouTube, and Google.
  2. Disturbed nineteen year old shoots up old school in fit of rage.
Which of these seems more likely?
Disturbed nineteen year old who had over 50 run ins with the law enforcement but was never arrested because of a policy by Broward law enforcement and the school board to not arrest students.

Had the offender been arrested just once he would not have passed the background checks required for purchasing a gun.

This angle and the failures of these government agencies to do their jobs is not discussed.
Root cause analysis is not discussed.
*vaguely ignorant response about the first amendment

*sparsely contradict myself while ranting about "big media"

*piss and moan about Americans

*mention conspiracy theory as fact

The way I see it, everybody is biased...

... and by biased, I mean they are bi-assed, meaning everyone literally has 2 assholes and they are both constantly spewing shit out. This includes myself, so I generally just keep my mouth shut. Still, it is human nature to defecate, so I gotta say some crap every once and awhile.
This is false. You can still find videos on this on YT.

YT did pull some fake ones though that were pushing conspiracy theories that some of the people were crisis actors though if that is what you mean.

Hahahaha Jerome Corsi pushes all kinds of conspiracy theories as fact (ie. birtherism, whacked out version of 9/11 Trutherism where the govt. flew F4's into the buildings, Illuminatii New World Order crap, etc.) and Cernovich likes to roll with Alex Jones and his various conspiracy theories about crisis actors at shootings and blaming the LV shooter on some sort of deep state scripted anti gun 2nd Amendment attack.

The others are just as bad in their own weird way even if they didn't push Pizzagate they push so much other BS that its about damn time someone banned them.

Banning liars, conspiracy theorists, and shitheel shills hocking their snake oil and t-shirts isn't censorship. Its a public service.

I wish conspiracy theorists didn't get such large audiences but its like a moth to the flame, they can literally make up any shit they want, relate it using false details to fit a narrative that will drive emotions.

Then they sell their shit.

Alex Jones should be in jail for half the shit he tries to pull off. Don't forget to take your daily dose of BRAIN FORCE!
The way I see it, everybody is biased...

... and by biased, I mean they are bi-assed, meaning everyone literally has 2 assholes and they are both constantly spewing shit out. This includes myself, so I generally just keep my mouth shut. Still, it is human nature to defecate, so I gotta say some crap every once and awhile.
Since when did flat out bullshit theories made up in the depths of 3chan suddenly become "viewpoints" for the right? I used to think this place didn't have the typical visitors that other sites have. People who were fairly immune to propaganda and batshit crazy tabloid stuff. Then just last week there were threads here where comments were coming from hardocp'ers pushing white nationalist viewpoints and defending them. Wtf!

And now Infowars is considered a legitimate news source for the right??!?
I am all about the 1st amendment, freedom to say what you wish, HOWEVER there ARE LIMITS to that freedom.

If you advocate the following:

Subjugation of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Elimination of an entire group because of your perceived political, racial, religious, ideological "superiority"...FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

Advocate violence against ANY PERSONS and or groups for the same reasons above, FUCK OFF and if someone like me had my way, I WOULD SILENCE YOU without a second thought.

YOU DO NOT have the right to use your rights to advocate for the removal of those same said rights that "you" yourself enjoy because you think you are superior in some way Cletus. Fuck that shit, I'm not playing that and it is the right wing trash that seems to be more than happy to yell / post / video the following "ideas":

Kill / remove / take away the rights of those ni****s.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those Jewwwwssss...cough, er I mean "globalists"
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those spics.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those mooslams.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of those faggots.
Kill / remove / take away the rights of ANYONE who dares not to conform to what these shitbags term "right".
Those kids were method actors!
There is a pedo ring in a pizza joint!
There is sperm in that picture of Obama (Dog whistle (Further translation: I don't actually have the balls to say this outright) mooslam ni***r!
On and on and on and on with this shit for brains retardation. I will celebrate the day when we as a nation, as a society kick this trash back to the unheard curb where they belong.

So yes, if someone like me had their way, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, Limbaugh, Savage, and the rest of the propo bullshit pumping right-wing filth called "media" would be silenced with extreme prejudice.

Hate away.
Bullshit. I haven't suggested silencing anybody. I just see one side being unable to handle any serious disagreement and another side saying, "let's talk it out." I'm not a conservative, and I don' believe that property rights are sacrosanct. If you're a monopolist that controls the pathways of speech, you need to be regulated or broken up. Period.
I suppose that's up to YouTube. The point is that if you're a conservative, it's hard to see how you can advocate that the government get involved and force the issue.

I'm genuinely curious, though: Are there channels like that, or are you just assuming there are? I honestly don't know, but it's hard to see why they'd be necessary.
I'm not a conservative. Stop using that retarded argument.

Yes, there are channels directly stating that Trump is a Russian agent and shit. None of that is proven, not by a long shot. So why is that different? Clearly one side is terrified of disagreement.
Since when did flat out bullshit theories made up in the depths of 3chan suddenly become "viewpoints" for the right? I used to think this place didn't have the typical visitors that other sites have. People who were fairly immune to propaganda and batshit crazy tabloid stuff. Then just last week there were threads here where comments were coming from hardocp'ers pushing white nationalist viewpoints and defending them. Wtf!

And now Infowars is considered a legitimate news source for the right??!?

Its funny because even though he flat out admitted in court that his role is purely for entertainment and is made, his readers STILL think he is legitimate.
When independent reporters like Tim Pool on YouTube are getting demonitized, something is wrong. You cannot argue otherwise.
even bombards body language got de-mon'd right after she did a vid of the Florida kids telling the tin-foil hat brigade to take a hike 'cause the kids were legit, but hogg was creepy.

Its funny because even though he flat out admitted in court that his role is purely for entertainment and is made, his readers STILL think he is legitimate.
so you've only heard the msm version of that then eh?! he clearly stated that in some of the farce type bits he is acting. like the bit about him being brainwashed by putin or when he wore the reptoid mask.
I'm not a conservative. Stop using that retarded argument.

Yes, there are channels directly stating that Trump is a Russian agent and shit. None of that is proven, not by a long shot. So why is that different? Clearly one side is terrified of disagreement.

yes Stephen Colbert is on there everyday saying it now..
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