Search results

  1. J

    Searches not showing enough results in "for sale" contd

    Okay, I did a quick search in the form this OR that OR other OR headphones... OR (10 items) [[ headphones was one. ]] I also searched in "search forums" from the search page neither turned up the post "beyerdynamic dt600 headphones" whose last post (as of right now) is 4:41 am this...
  2. J

    search in "for sale" misses results?

    It is not really an issue, but disconcerting when searches in "for sale" fail to show items (threads). (I was not going to post about it because of some detail I was missing, but one of the search terms today plainly failed.) It is disconcerting because threads I saw say, within the past...
  3. J

    Any way to reset "you last visited" to further in the past?

    ... the Forum thinks I visited today (2), but the most recent actual access to threads was 2 days ago (1). It will take 10 minutes longer today to view NewPosts than otherwise. (1). in Freebsd, Xorg was bumped versionwise yesterday so I did not logon. (2). "fixing " occurred. ...
  4. J

    [H] only pings? not loads? This post maybe useful

    today for a while Hardforum would ping but not load. I did not want to have it load but not being seen (in other words "you last visited: " more recent than when I was able to read posts ) so ... ping... Y elinks Y, okay to load the forum in Opera elinks N, wait a while...
  5. J

    keyboard letters have worn off the keycaps, any proven re-labelling good for a year?

    tried marker, wore off quite quickly. .....................................................
  6. J

    (_another_) opera swf-ad fix (freebsd)

    dialog comes up with the SWF open with/ save/ download GUI in Freebsd/Opera... "opens with" "change" "opens with", put in (in this case at least) /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/ (save) (procedure approximate, is from memory) .................. solved the GUI-popup 8...