is there a general agreement on the better 20" flat panels?


Jun 20, 2003
lookin to get one. i'd like something in the 1600x1200 range, cost isn't too much of an issue (nothing stupidly expensive though) and i do alot of First-person shooter games. i was looking at the Dell 20" or the samsung one. any suggestions? and is ghosting a big of an issue as it might have been at the beginning?
Get the NEC if money is no concern... apparently it's the best 20" WS around.
i'm really only lookin for a few things
-1600x1200 native resolution
-a playable response time, at least playable enough where i wouldn't notice it while playing.

around $550 dollars max, i've heard the dell ones are pretty good, and they average 550 so that's my theoritical ceiling.

i'm currently loking at: thoughts?
the dell 2007 has color banding issues. I say go with the vx2025 if money is an issue. You can get it for 359 + shipping on newegg
No body seems to be acknowledging the 1600x1200 res aspect. Understandable, as 4:3 20inch monitors are being over taken by WS. I was in the market recently and wanted 1600x1200 res but eventually gave in an went with a WS.

As mentioned the Dell has banding issues, such a pity as it looked so promising. This Sony is getting good reviews:

CNET liked it (they liked the 2007 too though...) and there is a customer review above.
Samsung 214T has been good to me. I've seen it on newegg for 589 with rebate.
Both the sony 205 and the Samsung 214T are good choices.

The Sony checks out as having a S-IPS panel which have better viewing angle characteristics. The Samsung 214T has better viewing angle than most Samsung S-PVA panels for some unknown reason. Seems the best of Samsung panels. I say get either of these.

I have a Dell 2007fp sitting on my desk. That I will return. It has the samsung S-PVA 20.1 inch panel and there is no way I would recomend this.

1: mild character ghost/blur
2: fairly extensive banding
3: S-PVA typical performance, color shifts at different view angles.
ViewSonic VP201 was in my opinion the best big flat gaming screen back in the day. It has now been replaced by an improved version, the VP2030.

The VP2030 seems to be doing great in reviews. Take this one for example:

It went against the Nec MultiSync 20WGX² and ViewSonic VX2025wm, and the VP2030 beat them all (if cost is not an issue, and you said it's not).

VP2030 also won atleast one shootout in a paper magazine that I saw. There it was pitted against Samsung 204B and LG L2000C-SF to name a few.

Not to mention it's a true 1600x1200 screen, and not some wannabe 1680x1050. :) Going widescreen is a mixed bag. In this case it makes no sense to me to go with smaller screen real estate, when you can choose to go with bigger.

So I'd atleast take it into consideration, if I was you.
I'd stay away from the large screen samsungs for now (214t, 244t) due to input lag.

I would like to hear a review on that Sony sdm-s205fb from a gamer perspective. Anybody have one?
The sony's quite simply aren't good for gaming. They have good image quality, but... yeah. not for gaming.
check out my 204B review. It is a 20" 1600X1200 panel with gamers in mind (fast response time).
I assume that the SONY 205 and the NEC 20WMGX2 both have glossy screens???

I also was interested in the Samsung 214T, but understand that some of the units were made in Mexico recently and are not as good as previous units made in Taiwan?

Not sure which country the Samsung 204B is currently made in?

search this forum, a member posted his screenshots of that NEC mentioned above, its amazing.

Never mind il do it for you here is one of the screenshots he took.
