Lian Li Wire managment is IMPOSSIBLE


Oct 18, 2003
This is pretty much what my case looks like. does anyone have any idea how to hide cables? its driving me insane.

I have a Lian Li V1000...............


Such a well designed case, but such poor thought went into airflow and stealthing. I refuse to get a window for it until I find a way to deal with it.
maybe you should show us a picture, as not all of us own LianLi's. If you're adventurous, you can chop off all your power leads and turn your PSU into a modular one.
the pic isnt working for some reason, but it was not a pic of my case, it was just a pic of like 5000 wires. I was looking for someone that owned it
Vulcanus said:
maybe you should show us a picture, as not all of us own LianLi's. If you're adventurous, you can chop off all your power leads and turn your PSU into a modular one.

Err, didnt you realise it was a joke?
Aw shoot, that's easy......all you need is some of this!!! :eek: LOL

The good news is that you get a price break if you order 100 feet or more!! ;)
Ballz2TheWallz said:
i cant stress enough how easy my PC-65B is to wire :p
I would have to agree... Lian Li have very deep cases with lots of room I think.... Cable management is easy
With alot of time and a little effort, any messy case can be tamed. Hell took me 12 hours to clean up my big ThermalTake tower :p
There is a difference between wire management and STEALTHING. Not many cases out there are actually designed for cable STEALTHING.

Never understood why people got so hell bent on HIDING their cables anyway. Bundle them up, route them out of the way of airflow and call it a day.
Stellar said:
There is a difference between wire management and STEALTHING. Not many cases out there are actually designed for cable STEALTHING.

Never understood why people got so hell bent on HIDING their cables anyway. Bundle them up, route them out of the way of airflow and call it a day.
because we're [H] and you're not
Stellar said:
Whatever that means, pretty sure I can live with it. ;)
hehe, just a little friendly ribbing :p

basically it means we are kinda crazy about our computers
EnderW said:
hehe, just a little friendly ribbing :p

basically it means we are kinda crazy about our computers

I know, I am too, in fact I'm pickier about my cabling than most people (see the pic I just posted in Rate My Cables) but I still just DO not understand the length that some people go to to actually route cables OUT OF their way behind the motherboard, in drive cages, cutting holes, making their own cables, etc, etc.

Here and I thought the whole purpose of building your own custom, modular system was just that, so it can be modular - as in the hardware is easily changed, removed, or upgraded. I would think that would become a little difficult when you run your cables so that you have to damn near disassemble your entire case just to get to a cable that you need.

Different strokes, as always, I suppose.
As far as modular, just run one or two cable runs out of your PSU, each terminated with a single molex....oh and use heavier gague wire than the normal stuff....I use 16ga for this run.

From there you can just make your own splitter cables and run them out and all is well. Yes, I'm about as anal as it gets about cabling...and I'm currently ticked off about having a 3-drop IDE cable when a 2-drop would suffice...but on my PC-72 ,the wiring job is practically much room to hide anything...heck I got the ATX cable hidden behind the mobo tray, and it's got room to move!

It doesn't hurt much having a case as righteously huge as this monster either though :)
About the only thing I disagreed with in that linked guide is him leaving out a mounting screw under the video card to run the radeon wire. Having had a "mishap" when leaving a december LAN party, I wanted to state my belief that the mounting holes are there for a reason. With my HUGE heavy Alpha cooler, the case went about 7 feet to the ground off a step (along with me!), front popped off, and case side flew. Went home dejected and with a forehead gash, and it started right up! Point being, leaving out a mounting screw right by the CPU, memory, and video card might have made the difference. Then again that was me and my extreme situation. But it CAN happen. /rant :D