Post your "rate my cables" here

I must say I like all the tips and thoughts from everyone but Just to ask whom had the BEST WIRE JOB..???

If you can give page no#'s so we all can say..yeah or naah.. :)
Here's what I have so far.

Equalizer looks good!
love thoes evga ko's in sli woo. what kinda scores are you getting in 3dmark05?

overall look of your case looks great very industrial look to it i love it :)
im thinking of selling my currrent lian li and getting another one i need a bit more room for water cooling i have a v1100b right now
i went to that one from a 6070a all are sweet cases:)
Thanks for the comments. I actually bought the case a few months before I even planned the system. I wasn't really sure if I liked it or not, but It was the best case of choice and only cost $110. I have since then come to love the case.

My 3dmark05 score was 11439. I just ran the test from a straight boot and nothing is OC'ed on the system. It's running on a 4000+ San Diego chip. I'm sure someone with more time and talent than I could probably get a better score.
Equalizer said:
Thanks for the comments. I actually bought the case a few months before I even planned the system. I wasn't really sure if I liked it or not, but It was the best case of choice and only cost $110. I have since then come to love the case.

My 3dmark05 score was 11439. I just ran the test from a straight boot and nothing is OC'ed on the system. It's running on a 4000+ San Diego chip. I'm sure someone with more time and talent than I could probably get a better score.
it takes talent to oc? more like a good balance of balls and knowing when to call it quits(lack of words to describe second one)

maybe its just me but i can sort of sense when something is gonna go wrong before it happens, like with my athlon-xp 2800+ that i pushed real hard, it started losing its oc right when i bought the replacement with the feeling that it was gonna die soon, my fx 5900 nu @ 500/1000 i knew was on death row, ups ended up killing it after my friend convinced me to send it to him to volt mod the crap out of it... i can also tell when hdds are going to go before they go, no audible. visual, or performance-related warnings in any of these instances
ryuji said:
it takes talent to oc?
i say experience. having a good feel for what you're hardware is doing is important.

just for kicks so everyone can recoil and gouge out their eyes:


i build for practicality. the 3 fans on the rad is just for kicks (2x105cfm sunons and a ~120cfm delta)
it wouldnt have been practical to buy a smaller pump and integrate the water cooling? most people said dual 120 mm intake was impractical for chieftec dragon, i still did it, and with nearly perfect wiring, check like a page or two back
it isn't practical if you're going for top performance, which would appear to be what he is doing.

You don't want the pump in the case generating heat... and you don't want it on your PS either.

You don't want to use internal(relatively hot)air to blow over your radiator, either.

That kind of mirrors my take on watercooling, after building a couple wc'd rigs myself. If you're not going for a sweet overclock, don't bother with watercooling. I just built mine to prove I could, then moved on.
eastvillager said:
it isn't practical if you're going for top performance, which would appear to be what he is doing.

You don't want the pump in the case generating heat... and you don't want it on your PS either.

You don't want to use internal(relatively hot)air to blow over your radiator, either.

That kind of mirrors my take on watercooling, after building a couple wc'd rigs myself. If you're not going for a sweet overclock, don't bother with watercooling. I just built mine to prove I could, then moved on.
the D5 is higher performing then most AC pumps, im pulling cool air into my rad from outside my case, heat inside the case gets gone fast and doesnt build up i see no issues with internal water cooling my 1.55v max prescott and 1.4v 6800, (6800 idles at 40C 48 load, prescott at 45 idle ~52 load) all with a 80F ambient

considering most people run a64s nowdays, no reason whatsoever to say that internal water cooling isnt any good for cooling quiet/silent if i can do quiet with my prescott keeping in mind i have one of the 'leaky' prescotts heat wise

i am eventually getting phase change for my cpu(my friend can build me a sick one for the cost of parts which is about $300) and just use the water loop to cool w/e i can get water blocks for phase change isnt happening for a year or two tho, im saving it as a performance boost since my friend used to run this cpu at 4.8 ghz
ryuji said:
the D5 is higher performing then most AC pumps, im pulling cool air into my rad from outside my case, heat inside the case gets gone fast and doesnt build up i see no issues with internal water cooling my 1.55v max prescott and 1.4v 6800, (6800 idles at 40C 48 load, prescott at 45 idle ~52 load) all with a 80F ambient

considering most people run a64s nowdays, no reason whatsoever to say that internal water cooling isnt any good for cooling quiet/silent if i can do quiet with my prescott keeping in mind i have one of the 'leaky' prescotts heat wise

i am eventually getting phase change for my cpu(my friend can build me a sick one for the cost of parts which is about $300) and just use the water loop to cool w/e i can get water blocks for phase change isnt happening for a year or two tho, im saving it as a performance boost since my friend used to run this cpu at 4.8 ghz

I didn't say it wasn't good, perhaps you should be a little bit less vigorous defending your e-peen.

I think you'd have to agree on this:

a. The lower the temp of the air you push/pull over/across your radiator the better. You can agree with this, right?
b. Ambient air temp will almost always be lower than air temp inside your case. You can agree with this, right?
c. Pumps generate heat and vibration. You can agree with this, right?
d. Pumps draw current. You can agree with this right?

Put all those together and it should be quite obvious that you can achieve a BETTER cooling solution with an external pump and radiator.

I'm not saying that your internal water cooling solution isn't effective. I'm quite sure it is very effective.

I am saying that a more effective external solution is possible.

If we're not going for max overclock, I can build a quieter air-cooled system than you can build water-cooled, if we stick with internal setups. I've yet to find a pump with a reasonable flowrate that doesn't generate more noise than a couple 120mm 7v fans+passive northbridge+arctic silencer.
eastvillager said:
I've yet to find a pump with a reasonable flowrate that doesn't generate more noise than a couple 120mm 7v fans+passive northbridge+arctic silencer.

There are some, mag pumps are pretty silent ;)

i spent an hour and a half working with a mid tower with no removeable tray lol its noice now though :D hard drive is flipped, front slots are open for a desk fan lol screw dust! i wouldda taken em with the window on but A: my webcam was getting a glare and B: it was too dark so i turned on a light and took off the window :p

rate meee :D lol im just bored and slightly hyper...
eastvillager said:
a. The lower the temp of the air you push/pull over/across your radiator the better. You can agree with this, right?
b. Ambient air temp will almost always be lower than air temp inside your case. You can agree with this, right?
c. Pumps generate heat and vibration. You can agree with this, right?
d. Pumps draw current. You can agree with this right?
a. yep, thats why fresh air hits my radiator FIRST
b. same responce as a
I've yet to find a pump with a reasonable flowrate that doesn't generate more noise than a couple 120mm 7v fans+passive northbridge+arctic silencer.
c. my pump is silent, my suspended on rubber band hdds are louder then my pump(maybe i got a elite perfect silent at full speed one)
d. yep.. 33 watts of power, im not worried, thats what my second 18 amp 12v rail is for(its mostly unused)
xp-120, those 80mm fans look real small ;)

why dont you run the wires behind the mobo
its an xp-120, middle heatpipe :D

any opinions on mine? :D the case is a raidmax scorpio... i hate it..
ozziegn, that's a nice looking computer you have there, I really like it! The colors just go together soooo well.

Nice pictures as well. Its soo hard to get a accurate picture of the silver'ish metal in certain lights.

Enjoy it!
^ thanks for the compliments bud.

I take great pride in my picture taking skills and my computer pics are certainly no exception.

not too bad for a $150, 4MP Canon point-n-shoot camera, ehh? :p
run the wires so they pop out behind the mobo, this pic should get my point across well(its a old pic and i dont try to make a hidden part of the comp pretty)

theres the front of it again, look at where the wires go ;)
shoney said:
Where'd you get those long IDE cables?

and that is very clean!
compussr, there the copper shielded ones, wouldnt trust my data to unshielded rounded cables that are THAT long

thanks for the complement, i dont think the back is that messy, i guess you agree on that one? as far as im concerned the old saying 'out of sight out of mind' holds true ;)
altec said:
No good dude.
find me some bitchin long flat cables and ill switch any day, problem is there hard as hell to find at that 3 foot length i need
ryuji said:
find me some bitchin long flat cables and ill switch any day, problem is there hard as hell to find at that 3 foot length i need

You can buy just ribbon cable then put the IDE plugs on the cable...
ryuji said:
run the wires so they pop out behind the mobo, this pic should get my point across well(its a old pic and i dont try to make a hidden part of the comp pretty)

theres the front of it again, look at where the wires go ;)

there's a whole rat's nest of wires already behind my case as is.

the cables that you propose that I put behind the mobo isnt going to happen because they are too thick and wont fit between the back of the mobo and the case panel.