Project: Digg (custom case) Finished

Remember when you were sorta trying to get this ready for pdxlan :p. It looks awesome Qtip.
Ya for some reason my mind works faster than my body. One day I'll get this timing thing down.
this beast that you are creating is starting to look really good,
chould we see some pics of the case from other angles aswell..... please
Damn nice work! If I had the time I'd love to come apprentice with you. 8*)
GeForcelan 3 is just over a week away...will it be able to make there? It would be an 8800GTX winner I'm sure (since I'm not really entering it myself :) ).
Haven't made any plans. I'm just working as fast as I can but I still put my other customizing work ahead of it. Got another case to finish in a few days and a laptop just got primed as well.
Got most of the outside wetsanded today. I'm probably going to have to build a jig to hold it properly so I can paint all of the surfaces at once (once it is ready) Should be interesting.

I also painted/decaled two little mystery objects. More on that at a later time :D
Qtip42 said:
Got most of the outside wetsanded today. I'm probably going to have to build a jig to hold it properly so I can paint all of the surfaces at once (once it is ready) Should be interesting.

I also painted/decaled two little mystery objects. More on that at a later time :D

Yea I bet trying to get all those surfaces at once will require some kind of custom stand to hold it. GL painting it. I've just recently discovered the pains and aches of getting even a semi-professional finish when painting parts with the mod i'm doing. Constant paniting -> waiting -> sanding -> painting -> waiting -> sanding etc.... annoying as hell! I dunno I guess I'm too impatient and would rather be cutting/shaping things :rolleyes: . Ah well. Looking forward to seeing it :)
This is meant to go with the digg case but it hasn't been painted yet so I figured I'd send them (made 2 of them) to Kevin and Alex's diggnation address. It should give them an idea of the color the case will be painted. Anywho, they're in the mail, hope they enjoy them.

beer bottle opener. They were trying to get them on diggnation a few episodes back.
Cool, I didn't think it was that big of a deal but ok. Just wait till you see the case :D
Just read through the majority of this thread and wanted to say the project looks great. Very interesting stuff.
well i'll just crawl into a corner for a while..... lol, can't beleave that i missed that post :rolleyes:
So a beer bottle opener thats fantastic, every PC should have one and a peltier plate so it whould keep the beer nice and cool :D
Wow, this looks incredible! Can't wait to see it completed.

I'll be looking for those bottle openers in the coming DiggNation shows :)

BTW, saw the batman case in CPU mag...all my friends (and myself of course) thought it was amazing!
Painted a bunch of stuff a couple days ago. I'll get some pics tomorrow.
Today is tomorrow... where are the pics!?
OK, so you still have a few hours left. I suppose you have to work, earn a living and stuff like that.

BTW how does that bottle opener work? I would use it as a paper weight, but since the invention of A.C. people don't really open windows anymore
The bottle opener works by putting it on top of your drink and pressing down.

As far as pics go, I have to appologize. I'm doing a repaint on some of the parts because they don't match. I didn't put nearly enough basecoat on so the blue appears to be two different tones. Since I just ran out of basecoat as well, I had to tint the paint again to match the old stuff. Well that probably won't match exactly so I'm just painting all of the keyboard, monitor, and little stuff again. :D :rolleyes:
Ozone77 said:
Today is tomorrow... where are the pics!?
OK, so you still have a few hours left. I suppose you have to work, earn a living and stuff like that.

BTW how does that bottle opener work? I would use it as a paper weight, but since the invention of A.C. people don't really open windows anymore

Here is a site that sells the bottle openers, so you can see how they work

I watch Diggnation all the time and, from seeing Alex and Kevin use the openers, it looks like they work quite well and are easy to use (with little effort)

Qtip42: Can't wait for an update! (sorry to hear you have to repaint!)

EDIT: for anyone that's too laxy to click through, here's a pic from that site:
I know that gif is pretty funny. I have to get me one of those bottle openers...
Here's one pic of the keyboard. Since you can't paint the keys without having to re-etch the lettering, I decided just to do a pearl in the clear. Looks alright, would have liked to paint the keys the same as the rest of it though.

Don't worry, you can't see the pearl in regular indoor lighting where a computer is normally :D Looks gloss black normally.

I liked the glossy keys more than the matte keys. I'll have some more pics coming up. I've been off and on the project the last couple of days, need to work late to get more done.