Tangerine XP

I like it. Not the best specs in the world. But a great mod, so who really cares. Apple needs to put AMD in the comps.
tylerdustin2008 said:
I like it. Not the best specs in the world. But a great mod, so who really cares. Apple needs to put AMD in the comps.
AMD is hinting that this may become a reality.
jordan172005 said:
I guess macs do have life in them if you take out the shitty hardware :D nice mod man

While I'll agree with you on that particular mac (now), macs have very nice hardware now.
Hahaha! I am glad you guys liked the mod. Sorry I have not updated in a while. I never got around to putting in the curved Lexan, I grew to like it as it is. It gets alot of comments at the shop. Usually though no one gets it. You tell them, No it is not a Mac, It is now a PC and they never get it. :D

But that is ok. I did use flyakite to make my XP look like OSX. I came across a version of OSX to run on a PC just last week. This got me to thinking... I should install OSX on my Tang!!!

Well Tangerine did not like that idea. When I arrived at the shop the next day, Tangerine was off for the first time in weeks. Upon closer inspection my Powersupply went Supernova and took the motherboard along with it. However the board is under warranty, so it will be back up once the replacement gets in.

As for the lack of great hardware.. Yea I threw it together with shop junk. It was never meant to be a gaming rig, and it would not be able to handle the heat generated by a non-liquid cooled gaming rig. So with that, and the fact I did not have bags of money to throw at this project... It is a download slave running older hardware. However, the way I built it, I can easily add in anything I want in the future. So one day, Tang may get a nicer LCD, and some gaming gear. The speakers in this beast are just awsome!!

I will get some new pictures up once my replacement board comes in.

Again, thanks to all of you for looking, and thanks for the compliments!! They make it all worth while :)

woot updates :D :D

lol mate this is a great mod and I cant wait to see the finished product with the new hardware

how did you do the side io pannel? It looks great and has inspired me too continue on my mod :D
The side panel for the inputs, I.E. USB and what not, I just gutted the original input panel for the Mac, and used ALOT of hotglue :D I made my own USB, network, sound and PS2 extensions. That way I could run the wires to the back of the motherboard, no matter how I installed it.

The side panel for the LCD Panel, I used a drill press and tapered the holes to make it look as if it was made that way.

The hardware specs will stay the same on Tang for a while longer. My mobo is under warranty, so it will be getting replaced witht he same board. As it stood, TangeringXP made a nice download slave, and folder for the [H]. It will likely continue to do so.

My next mod will likely be starting soon. I am doing my own T.A.R.D.I.S. case. Is will be the new case for my Home Media PC. I almost have all my plans laid out, so keep an eye open for it to start in a couple months. I am going to try to keep it 100% to scale, as I have gotten a copy of the original blueprints from the prop used in the show.
