
Zombie said:
what about something like these...

Those might work because they might have the correct ID on the axis but they would take some work to make them look good... but mashie can make almost anything look good! :)
mashie said:
Hmm, any idea about the size? I need something that is under 19mm OD and 6mm ID for the axis.

Well, I don't have one of those black wheels, but I do have some of the grey ones.

I'll measure one of the grey ones when I get home today, but I am pretty sure that it would work.

Edit: Actually, after looking at those pictures again, you'll notice that the black wheel is only about 2 "nubs" wide so it is most likely way to small, but I still think the grey one has a shot.

Edit again: Slow work day today...
According to this: http://mapageweb.umontreal.ca/cousined/lego/3-Physics/Measurement/
The grey wheel is 3 nubs wide (or ~24mm), and the center is one nub (~8mm). Although, the center would actually be a bit smaller (ie, probably be a perfect fit to screw onto those hose clamps).
five-by-five said:
Those might work because they might have the correct ID on the axis but they would take some work to make them look good... but mashie can make almost anything look good! :)

That is true, I guess I just need to give him a little more credit.....
How come neither of the modcams ever seems to work? I have Flashplayer 7? Are they just not on most of the time?

Need some updates!! new pics?
As posted in crimsons thread they are awaiting a dedicated server to cope with the bandwidth requirements.

It will be sorted soon
five-by-five said:
Those might work because they might have the correct ID on the axis but they would take some work to make them look good... but mashie can make almost anything look good! :)

Michelangelo of Milliput
wow I'd have never thought such great work could be done for a mini pc case. awesome. :)
I can't wait to see the finished product. Have a good time Mashie, that is a truly beautiful region. Be sure to check out Brunei, I love it there! Rock on Malaysia!!
mashie said:
Thanks for the input guys, I will think about it while I'm off for a two week holiday to explore the Borneo rainforest. The flight leavs in a couple of hours.

This means the work on this project will halt temporarily... unless I become the dinner for some hungry natives :D

:eek: NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! We can't live without this being done! You can't go!!!! :eek:

:p j/k

Have a fun and safe trip.
You have to take a pic in the jungles of Borneo of you in a floppy brown hat and a bullwhip on your belt.

Indiana Mashie and the Mod of Doom
I think it looks damn sweet. My personal preference would have been to not do the entire front like some said, but that's just my personal preference. I have a suggestion though, if not for you to try, maybe someone else on their modding endeavors. How about working some fiberoptics into the milliput throughout and then hooking it up to an LED or LEDs to add a pulsing light effect? Could power the LEDs from the HDD LED hookup from the motherboard so it pulsed whenever the hard drive was being accessed? I think that would look damn sweet.
it really is... Indiana Mashie just has this certain ring to it.... it fits:D

and this wouldn't be the first time legos get used in a mod (if you use them) i've used them for stealth mods on cdrom drives:p

looks nice so far!
mashie said:
Thanks for the input guys, I will think about it while I'm off for a two week holiday to explore the Borneo rainforest. The flight leavs in a couple of hours.

This means the work on this project will halt temporarily... unless I become the dinner for some hungry natives :D
have a good time mashie!, cus u deserve fun after working so hard :D ;)
I friggin' love the front panel with the growth on it--it really makes that little case larger than life---and the "extensions" of the growth on the res makes the front look all the better. I think you should drape a few bits of it on the pump as well. Just excellent.
mashie said:
Thanks for the input guys, I will think about it while I'm off for a two week holiday to explore the Borneo rainforest. The flight leavs in a couple of hours.

This means the work on this project will halt temporarily... unless I become the dinner for some hungry natives :D

i'm assuming you're heading to Sabah? Make sure you stop by Sepilok, the Orang Utan reserve. ;) Safe trip!
CrimsonSky said:
You have to take a pic in the jungles of Borneo of you in a floppy brown hat and a bullwhip on your belt.

Indiana Mashie and the Mod of Doom

I nearly wet myself reading that hahaha. Nice one crimson.
CrimsonSky said:
You have to take a pic in the jungles of Borneo of you in a floppy brown hat and a bullwhip on your belt.

Indiana Mashie and the Mod of Doom

Oh my dear lord.....if I wasn't still half asleep I probly WOULD have pissed myself.......too funny. :p
CrimsonSky said:
You have to take a pic in the jungles of Borneo of you in a floppy brown hat and a bullwhip on your belt.

Indiana Mashie and the Mod of Doom

I no its not a comment but it just has to fit hehe, i got bored ;)

Think he needs a dremel in his belt to :p
sc4mpi i saw your watercooling mod fo the sn85g4. nice work.Do you absolutely have to modify the Ide devices to fit the nv-68 block inside? and what are you temperatures and noise
Bling said:
sc4mpi i saw your watercooling mod fo the sn85g4. nice work.Do you absolutely have to modify the Ide devices to fit the nv-68 block inside? and what are you temperatures and noise

not realy the thread for it. but yes the nv-68 has to have the hds moved forward and the cd-rom bracket has to be removable .. to clear the nv-68 block to get it in.. depending on what drives u use im using two hds in my shuttle mod were as if you only have one u could get away were leaveing hd were it is but u still have to get a slm dvd drive. go to http://forums.sudhian.com/messageview.cfm?catid=46&threadid=64353&STARTPAGE=1
and post there if you want info on my mod :p noise is silent, rad fan is on low and pump is running at 7v temps i dont no i havent had it fully rigged up yet
Sc4mpi said:
Mashie you should have got a nice red gt would fit your mod like a dream



Nice dude, that Gainward really does look nice in your window. Oh, and 'grats on the Dual DVI GT too. ;)
cornelious0_0 said:
Nice dude, that Gainward really does look nice in your window. Oh, and 'grats on the Dual DVI GT too. ;)
I would have sworn that was an MSI card.
CrimandEvil said:
I would have sworn that was an MSI card.

Well as far as I knew the Gainward 6800GT was the only one that at least had the option to come with 2 DVI ports.....I may be wrong though.
mashie said:
This means the work on this project will halt temporarily... unless I become the dinner for some hungry natives :D

I do hope mashie extended his vacation and didnt fall to the natives. (It's been over 2 weeks now.)
CrimsonSky said:
YAY!! :D :D



Sc4mpi said:
Bet Mashie showed the natives how to build huts out of milliput :D

Both pf these comments r too funny. Its too early after wakign up to be laughing this hard.
Mashie, good to hear you are OK.Get well soon.
You have work to do and the [H]ard|Natives are getting restless. ;)