AOC open beta.

Again, my cheapass will resort to begging. I'll write you a love poem in exchange for a beta key :D
If I sign up for fileplanets $5 or $6 thing, am I guaranteed a key ?

I believe the last day to sign up was April 30th (yesterday). In addition, even if you signed up within the timeframe, there is a disclaimer that you are not guaranteed a beta key just for signing up to Fileplanet (which is still reasonable since it's on a first-come, first-serve basis).
Wrong. I got a key today as in May 1. Get a Subscription through the AOC Beta Page. I got the single month sub. I really want to try the game. If its good, I am going to cancel my WoW account. WoW is now meh to me. I may have to upgrade my G/F's PC so she can play as well. ;)
Expressing opinion of any kind about the Beta. whether positive or negative, is a violation of the NDA.
The NDA was lifted for reporters.

But at this point, the NDA has been broken so many times, especially on their forums, that it's pretty much a moot point now.
no I don't think so. Its still in effect for the Open beta, but with launch so close, not sure how they are going keep everyone quiet.
no I don't think so. Its still in effect for the Open beta, but with launch so close, not sure how they are going keep everyone quiet.

NDA was lifted. Plus, there's more patches. Yay! (70megs~)

There's no NDA for open beta but the NDA is still in effect for the closed beta.

From this email I got from Funcom
Funcom said:
Welcome to the Age of Conan Beta!

We are happy to invite you to the savage world of Hyboria, and we hope you will have great fun in the next few days. Our servers will open tonight at 2200 GMT / 1700 EST, and from this point on you are free to play as much as you like!

Prior to starting your journey we want to give you some important information about what to expect, and where you can get help should you need it.

First of all, remember that you are playing a beta version of Age of Conan, where we on purpose are stressing our servers to simulate a hectic launch environment. This means that you may experience technical issues as you start playing.

Simulating launch is what final stress testing is all about, but we will monitor all of this closely to make your experience as good as possible.

Since there is no NDA on the Open Beta you are completely free to speak about your experiences in public, and you can also take screenshots and videos should you wish to. Together with IGN we have established forums which will be staffed by Funcom Customer Service and Community representatives. There you can discuss any topic you like. Should you have any questions, or would like the latest upto date info on potential technical issues and solutions, these forums are our main venue for communication for as long as the Open Beta last.

You can find the IGN forums here:

We would ask you to keep in mind that this is not the full and final version of the game. You will get a significant taste of what we have created, and you will be able to play all classes and cultures. You are also able to test our PvP mini-games. To join a match simply the upper left icon with two people, and go to the PvP tab to apply for a match.

Prior to starting your experience you may watch two tutorial videos explaining the combat system and our interface. Links to their location will be found on the IGN forums and on the Age of Conan forums ( later tonight. We advise you to view these videos prior to playing.

We thank you sincerely for your willingness to aid, and your patience should any issues occur. Above all we hope you will have lots of fun as you crush your enemies

We’ll see you in Hyboria soon!

Regards, The Age of Conan development team

Weird but whatever. *shrug*
I won't be suprised if it's tomarrow and we're still hearing delays.

Well, it's another hour to go. I am wondering if they are:
A) Trying to make the beta awesome so that we will all pre-order.
B) Fucked it up so bad and are trying to fix it.
It's up for some people but a lot of people (including me) are getting authentication errors. Back to GTA4 I guess.
I am getting black screen again.... I can make a character but after that nothing, just a cursor. If I hit ESC menu comes up too :p.
Finally got in and got to level...2... before my computer completely froze. Yay for beta! Really not expecting much though. I also just got an email inviting me to the closed beta. Nice timing Funcom. :rolleyes: :D
what he said :(.

Just made another class and my excitement has diminished even further. I will still play some during beta, but the chances of me per-ordering or even buying the game after release are very slim.
Hmm. Not sure how to do this. Do I register a new account on Funcom with the beta key I was given? I tried it awhile ago and said it was invalid.

EDIT: Disregard this post, figured it out.
Well, I didn't get to test the Open Beta. So if anybody decides to quit testing it, send me a PM... and we could discuss car engines.

Even if you quit towards the end and there's 2 days left of Open Beta, send me a PM, I'd love to talk about car engines even then.
Well, I didn't get to test the Open Beta. So if anybody decides to quit testing it, send me a PM... and we could discuss car engines.

Even if you quit towards the end and there's 2 days left of Open Beta, send me a PM, I'd love to talk about car engines even then.

Nevermind. I won't be able to talk about car engines because I can't download the car engine client.
I'll be able to talk about car engines though. I just need access to one.

I have this game on preorder, so it would be greatly appreciated if anyone stops playing beta to give me a shot at trying out the game.
Personally I dont think it was wise for funcom to release a limited open beta to lvl13... may as well just let people see only the login screen, game doesnt truly start til later... I think its more of a lets see if we can crash the servers test.

so for those of you that had high hopes and have a kick ass rig, I would suggest keeping your preorders and dont base the game on this beta... thats all I'm going to say.
I will definately not be buying this game... it feels like a generic mmorpg clone mixed with WoW and some other MMORPGs. The most exciting part of the beta was the character creation screen. Once I got in game it seemed to be the same WoW type kill monsters go over here collect this and turn in type of format. AoC did not make me feel anything exciting or unique. The more I played AoC I realized how much of a generic vanilla feel the game gave me.

Crossing my fingers Warhammer is going to be good.
I got access to open beta just now but the game won't run on my system (AMD Athlon XP 2800 Barton core). PM me for my account info.

edit: account GONE!
I got access to open beta just now but the game won't run on my system (AMD Athlon XP 2800 Barton core). PM me for my account info.

Sorry to hear that man. Most limited betas are rather poor impressions of the game anyway.

In other news. I am now accepting TF2 as a gift from someone who's rich enough to gift a total stranger 20 bucks, cause I can't afford 20 bucks, gg.

I didn't think you could transfer games on steam?
exactly, its a beta not a demo.. term "wow clone" cracks me up too... gotta love the wow generation. :rolleyes:
I enjoy reading posts from the "WoW Generation." I don't even have to read the comics in the paper anymore. :cool: