Best dual DDR PC3200ram for overclocking?


Oct 29, 2005
I just got an X2 and I want to be able to overclock it, but at the moment I only have Geil value ram with some horrible timings... somethin like 2.5-4-4-8...not 100% on that but it is bad!

Who do you think makes the best dual channel ddr 400 for overclocking?

X2 4400
MSI k8n Neo2 Plat
Sapphire X850 XT pe
Audigy 2 ZS Plat Pro
2x1gb Geil Value dual DDR
Hey (cf)Eclipse, I've read your guide once before, but wanted to read it once more...however, the pictures are showing up as red X's on some of them...can you look into that please! Thanks!

Oh, and to the OP, I ordered my dad this and it works great in his system. So yeah, anything PC3200 should be just fine as memory dividers make up for the differences.
Thanks for the guide Eclipse, I'm gonna go and bury myself in the knowledge within it.... hopefully some of it will sink in. I'm still not to clear on alot of stuff, this overclockin lark is confusin as hell!

Just one thing, is it true that the cpu overclocks easier with better ram?

what do you rekon to this.... any good?
Corsair XMS XPERT 1GB (2x512MB) PC3200XL DDR Memory Kit
Ran into my first problem with overclocking. I got to the part where I was using Prime95 and Clockgen2 to find out the max FSB for my board but I couldn't break 229...

I tried changing to sata 3,4 ports but no joy there...
I tried changing the HT link to 2.5, 2 but that didn't work either...

I've decided to set back to default untill I can chew on more of your wisdom!

Is the MSI K8n neo2 Platinium cursed or is it a good board to overclock on, cause it's being a real fussy B!TCH
Buckshot said:
where did you order it from? Havent seen it any etailers in my search and pricewatch is not showin it either.

thanks in advance

There is a buy option at the bottom of the link i posted above. That's where i ordered from.

for ppl that arent experienced w/ oc'ing, just in case someone didnt know what the point of a divider is, fsb effects both cpu and memory. if you want a high cpu speed u need to raise ur fsb, but if your ram cant handle running at higher speeds you'll get bottlenecked by that. a divider makes the ram run at a lower speed. they're generally labeled like 166mhz or other speeds like that, to find the speed that the ram will run at, take the fsb and multiple it by (divider/200), or in this case, 166/200. that way you wont get bottlenecked by ram.

*edit* bah wrong numbers.
Soymilk said:
to find the speed that the ram will run at, take the fsb and multiple it by (divider/400), or in this case, 333/400. that way you wont get bottlenecked by ram.
not true for a64's. go read my memory divider link i posted before ;)

MrCore64 said:
Just one thing, is it true that the cpu overclocks easier with better ram?
sorta not really. it's easier to get an overall overclock with better ram, but the ram quality/performance will not effect the final cpu speed :D
Hmm I see... I'm still stumped at why my FSB wont go over 226. Even when I try 218 with a multiplyer of 11 the system is really unstable and crashes after about 30 mins. Could it be my motherboard?
Any advice welcome.

What is a realistic overclocking goal that I should be able to achieve with my current spec?

MSI K8N neo2 Platinum (bios 1.b)
AMD X2 4400
Geil Value 2gb Dual DDR400
Astek VapoChill Micro Ultra Low Noise
Seagate 180gb Sata
Western Digital 80gb IDE
331 one for that? i hear they are the same as OCZ plant EB kit pc4000. I thought ballistix were expensive. I hope monarch will carry those and sell for like 280 free shipping :)
Yep, I tried unpluggin any sata drives still no joy tho... I also tried changing the HT link multi but that didn't work either. Any Ideas?
MrCore64 said:
Yep, I tried unpluggin any sata drives still no joy tho... I also tried changing the HT link multi but that didn't work either. Any Ideas?
hmmm.... that is very strange. you also tried different divider and cpu multi's?

strikeout said:
i hear they are the same as OCZ plant EB kit pc4000
infineon CE-6, yes
the OCZ Platinum EB sticks are cheaper at the moment. I have a set and they will do 265+ with 3-3-2-7 2.7v.
Well, I havent played too much with the bios settings as I was following your guide. I've got to the third page, the bit where you set everythin low in bios and then use clockgen and prime to find your highest fsb. But mine refuse to go over 226 so there is really no point trying to continue until I can get the fsb headroom....Grrrr :mad:

I thought It might be the cpu overheating so I bought a new heatsink but that still didn't work, it crashes out when the cpu temp is only 30 deg! :confused:

I've read in some forums that the MSI K8n Neo2platinum is bad news for overclockin... Have ever had any trouble with these boards?
yeah I thought that too but...I tired unpluggin all the sata drives (and movin them)
A little further up this page I've mentioned all the things I've tried. Could it be the PSU?
unlikely. did you set the htt/fsb to 201mhz in the bios before booting up into windows to oc, which will enable the pci/agp lock?
I tried what you said eclipse,
settin the fsb to 201 but the system still crashes out at around the 227-229 mark when I'm testing with clockgen and prime.
Just so you know heres what my settings were...
FSB= 201mhz
Cpu Multi = 5x
RAM div= 100mhz
HT Multi= 3x ( I also tried 2.5 and 2)

I also tried disconnecting my sata drive as well as moving it to sata ports 3 and 4.

Any Ideas?
MrCore64 said:
I tried what you said eclipse,
settin the fsb to 201 but the system still crashes out at around the 227-229 mark when I'm testing with clockgen and prime.
Just so you know heres what my settings were...
FSB= 201mhz
Cpu Multi = 5x
RAM div= 100mhz
HT Multi= 3x ( I also tried 2.5 and 2)

I also tried disconnecting my sata drive as well as moving it to sata ports 3 and 4.

Any Ideas?

I'm having the same problem as you. It's all cookies until I hit 225-228ish then it goes downhill from there. I keep getting BSOD during the Windows load screen. Tried everything you have thus far and it's always the same thing. I've found my max ram speed to be around 240 via CoreCenter but it won't work no matter what I try.
Here are my results from a64 tweaker... Erm at the risk of soundin really stupid... how do I post pics?!
and you kinda need that for dual core, so no luck there... i'm gonna call over one of my friends who has a neo2 also, maybe i'm missing something silly that he knows about
thanks, I will get back to you tomorrow... It's 4am here ( UK ) :eek: Suuuuuuuuuuuupa Tired!

Ok, so I installed that new bios and everythin went smoooth, I then tried followin eclipses guide again and when I got to the 226-229 range the system did'nt restart but Prime showed the error above...