Doom 3 on 110" Screen with 7.1 audio


since you are rolling money bags... forget da-lite and go to the top dog.

Stewart Screens.

Ain't nothing (save for screen research) that will be better.
AOM said:
We'll PLink....pretty awesome setup I must say......I think you said that at least a 1000:1 contrast ratio was great to have.....what about 15000:1 ?....I just got a projector from my work for Nada...0.00 dollars....yeah I know lucky me :D ....anyway the speces on it are here's the NEC PG6000 ....pretty nice from what I can find out....does up to a 300" screen.....I have a 10 FT one that came with it for nothing.....believe it or not where I work was going to crush a building where this thing was and they said they had no use for it and that I could have it so ther you's only been used about 10 times and is only about 2 yrs should be awesome.....nice car too....looking at buying one myself in the next couple of months...I'm in your field Computer Networking...working on getting my CCNA in September :) ...yes 1080i is better than 720p...not by much but it is true HD....I disagree on the cable talk....I sold Monster Cable for 4 yrs and have it on all my equipment....yes it is more expensive but their is a noticable difference between it,cheap crap...and self built cables....especially on large screens like the one you have......I've tried them all and compared them on large screens and you do notice a difference.....I can't blame you for not spending the money though b/c I probably won't either when I set mine is lots of loot just for cables...anyway....I plan on doing the same thing that you are...I have DOOM 3 and FarCry but have yet to play either b/c of my current pc....I have an Athlon XP3200+ Barton....512mb OCZ PC 3200 but a doodoo Geforce 3 64mb I'm about to build a new pc for my gaming so that I may enjoy Doom3 in all it's glory far as subs go....look no further than Sunfire....'ll get no better than these...period.....let me know what you think of the subs and the projector....and my setup.

Hi AOM. Pretty nice setup, other than the speakers :p I'm not a fan of Infinity... lol. I really like the amp though. Would be nice to have gotten one of those. As for the projector, wow. Though I don't know much about NEC's projectors. Take a run over to and see what they have to say. Most accurate place on the web for this kind of stuff.
EQTakeOffense said:
Ok, my basic question is simple, but complicated. How does projector resolutions work? What I mean by this is.

1. If the native resolution is 1386x788 for the SONY VPL-HS20 then how do you get different resolutions such as (when it says singal compatibility) 480i, 480p, 575i, 575p, 720p, 1080i, and computer resolutions VGA 640x480 through XGA 1024x768 and 1280x768?
1386x788 is ~16:9 widescreen format, so 720P would be near perfect (the 2nd # in a A x B resolution is how many horizontal lines there are making up the height of the image)
Anything else is either scaled (stretched or shrunk) or they just show black for any unused pixels.

Basicly, I don't understand how projector resolutions work exactly. Can I play games at 1600x1200? Or, can I only play games at any of those signal compatiaility resolutions?

nope 1386x788 would be the highest resolution you could set it at. Similar to an LCD monitor. You have a fixed number of pixels, use em or lose em.
You could do 1024x768 but you would have black bars on the left and right (if the game doesn't support widescreen modes)

Also, are the resolutions dependent on the signal, thus 'signal compatibility'?

Ex: A DVD player has output to 720p. When I plug the DVD player into the projector and select the right input the projector will switch to 720p. But, when I swtich input to my computer and I'm going to connect it via VGA the projector swtiches resolutions to 640x480? Obiously, 720 is better then 640x480 which is why you 'hack' the ini files and such to get the computer to dispaly 720p?

Yes they are, I'm not totally up on this but I'll give it a shot.
To do any sort of HD signal you need to use either component or VGA/DVI. S-video or composite are 480i (can they do progressive?) Your source unit (dvd player or computer) will attempt to tell the pj what rez it wants to use.
EQTakeOffense said:
Ok, my basic question is simple, but complicated. How does projector resolutions work? What I mean by this is.

1. If the native resolution is 1386x788 for the SONY VPL-HS20 then how do you get different resolutions such as (when it says singal compatibility) 480i, 480p, 575i, 575p, 720p, 1080i, and computer resolutions VGA 640x480 through XGA 1024x768 and 1280x768?

Basicly, I don't understand how projector resolutions work exactly. Can I play games at 1600x1200? Or, can I only play games at any of those signal compatiaility resolutions?

Also, are the resolutions dependent on the signal, thus 'signal compatibility'?

Ex: A DVD player has output to 720p. When I plug the DVD player into the projector and select the right input the projector will switch to 720p. But, when I swtich input to my computer and I'm going to connect it via VGA the projector swtiches resolutions to 640x480? Obiously, 720 is better then 640x480 which is why you 'hack' the ini files and such to get the computer to dispaly 720p?

To answer your resoltion question

Native resolution is 1386*768. What will happen most of the time if the pj has a scaler. No matter what input you put it. It will ALWAYS scale it to 1386*768. So to try to avoid this. You try to input the NATIVE resolution that the display device uses.

If the display device does NOT scale. Then if you put in a 1280x720P will effectively only use 1280 out of the 1386 pixels wide and 720 pixels out of the 768 pixels high.Meaning in an LCD display you will have "black" bars on top and bottom of the pj and also some on the side.

the projector will accept a computer input as long as it is a standard input (usually the 16x9 inputs that i put and the 4x3 inputs. So it can accept 640x480 but more than likely it will NOT scale so you want to out a signal that is EQUAL to the natice resolution of the pj to avoid any artifacting. :)


The thing about a native 16x9 display is that when you display a 2.35:1 movie (lord of the rings, star wars, and a whole sleew of other movies) si that you lose resolution on a 16x9 display. Let say that the dvd player is outputting 1280x720p signal. So now you are using 1280 pixels wide x 546p high. You lose ALOT of resolution. The anwser

Panamorph lenses. It lets you use the full 1280x720p lcd panel and then the lens stretches the image for 2.35. This works like a champ as seen in image 3. This is what the 2.35 image looks when it is stretched to fill the full 1280x720 (16x9) LCD panel instead of staying at 2.35 on the lcd panel.
Yes ImLazZzy .....I do enjoy the setup quiet a bit.....the tv is little older now as I bought it several yrs ago....but all of the equipment new at it's original retail price cost $14,800.00 plus tax....USD....granted I didn't get it all at once....the HD Satellite receiver and Denon were my last 2 purchases....the computer is coming very soon....and yes I like the faster hd....but SATA II is very comparable in speed and I just can't warrant spending the extra money on the 10,000rpm I need more space as I store lots of files....might even go with 2 of the 160gb seagate's.......and yes I can pull it off.....can't wait to get the projector up and going to see how it looks....should look spectacular according to specs....but if not....I'll be purchasing a new one and giving this one to my father who is in awe of
Jake said:
1386x788 is ~16:9 widescreen format, so 720P would be near perfect (the 2nd # in a A x B resolution is how many horizontal lines there are making up the height of the image)
Anything else is either scaled (stretched or shrunk) or they just show black for any unused pixels.

nope 1386x788 would be the highest resolution you could set it at. Similar to an LCD monitor. You have a fixed number of pixels, use em or lose em.
You could do 1024x768 but you would have black bars on the left and right (if the game doesn't support widescreen modes)

Yes they are, I'm not totally up on this but I'll give it a shot.
To do any sort of HD signal you need to use either component or VGA/DVI. S-video or composite are 480i (can they do progressive?) Your source unit (dvd player or computer) will attempt to tell the pj what rez it wants to use.

Svideo and Composite do not have enough bandwidth to pass any kind of progressive signal. Not evn a 480p signal :(
EQTakeOffense said:
Ok, my basic question is simple, but complicated. How does projector resolutions work? What I mean by this is.

1. If the native resolution is 1386x788 for the SONY VPL-HS20 then how do you get different resolutions such as (when it says singal compatibility) 480i, 480p, 575i, 575p, 720p, 1080i, and computer resolutions VGA 640x480 through XGA 1024x768 and 1280x768?

Basicly, I don't understand how projector resolutions work exactly. Can I play games at 1600x1200? Or, can I only play games at any of those signal compatiaility resolutions?

Also, are the resolutions dependent on the signal, thus 'signal compatibility'?

Ex: A DVD player has output to 720p. When I plug the DVD player into the projector and select the right input the projector will switch to 720p. But, when I swtich input to my computer and I'm going to connect it via VGA the projector swtiches resolutions to 640x480? Obiously, 720 is better then 640x480 which is why you 'hack' the ini files and such to get the computer to dispaly 720p?

Heres a quote from projector central that I think should answer your question... If it doesn't I will try to elaborate on this.

"Native aspect ratio refers to the aspect ratio of the physical displays built into the projector. For example, a 1280 x 720 pixel display has a 16:9 native aspect ratio. A display that is 640 x 360 pixels is also a 16:9 aspect ratio, but with a fourth of the resolution of the other display.

Nearly every projector today will support multiple aspect ratios; however each manufacturer must decide who their intended audience is and optimize the projector for that audience. This means each projector has a native aspect ratio that is optimized for specific viewing material. Images shown in native aspect ratio will utilize the entire resolution of the display and achieve maximum brightness. Images shown in other than native aspect ratio will always have less resolution and less brightness than images shown in native aspect ratio."
figgie said:

since you are rolling money bags... forget da-lite and go to the top dog.

Stewart Screens.

Ain't nothing (save for screen research) that will be better.

I know I know.... but when I look at the price differences 3500 dollers versus 1000 dollers (cdn) I think that kinda justifies it. It's not that I don't think a screen isn't important, it's just I could use that money elsewhere, where there would be more benifit. Plus, I have seen both screens, and although there is a difference, there isn't a 2500 doller difference. ;)
Jake said:
1386x788 is ~16:9 widescreen format, so 720P would be near perfect (the 2nd # in a A x B resolution is how many horizontal lines there are making up the height of the image)
Anything else is either scaled (stretched or shrunk) or they just show black for any unused pixels.

nope 1386x788 would be the highest resolution you could set it at. Similar to an LCD monitor. You have a fixed number of pixels, use em or lose em.
You could do 1024x768 but you would have black bars on the left and right (if the game doesn't support widescreen modes)

Yes they are, I'm not totally up on this but I'll give it a shot.
To do any sort of HD signal you need to use either component or VGA/DVI. S-video or composite are 480i (can they do progressive?) Your source unit (dvd player or computer) will attempt to tell the pj what rez it wants to use.

Everything he said is all right. Though I will add that an svideo signal, cannot do progressive scan, and is not HD.
figgie said:
The thing about a native 16x9 display is that when you display a 2.35:1 movie (lord of the rings, star wars, and a whole sleew of other movies) si that you lose resolution on a 16x9 display. Let say that the dvd player is outputting 1280x720p signal. So now you are using 1280 pixels wide x 546p high. You lose ALOT of resolution.

Mmm, not exactly. The projector still displays the 16:9 resolution, but just adds black bars on the top and bottom. So its still displaying 1280x720 but now part of the width is black bars. You would not gain any resolution by buying a 2.35:1 widescreen projector as the resolution of the dvd is still 480p. which is a 16:9 ratio. All that would do is cut off the black bars for you. So its basically pointless.

You said:
am only running doom 3 at 1024x768 because of the lack of true 1280x720 support. I have ran it stretched at 1280x720 but its annoying. So I will wait for official support

Since, you're not running at the native resolution, you have black bars around the game, correct?
Real funny you've ever read any reviews on that series of Infinity Speakers you'd know that their highly recommended for the price range ....and if you have the money to really can't get much better sound quality than the Infinity Prelude MTS series....but they are outrageous in price...but I know you were just joshing me :D ...yeah...the receiver is awesome...but to be honest since I just got it a couple of months ago I really haven't even had time to break it in yet.....I haven't got to really sit down and use it a whole lot and check out a lot of dvd's or anything....but I've also been kind of waiting to get the projector setup so that I can view them really well also :) .......I looked on the link you gave me but I couldn't seem to find anything on that projector on that might be b/c it's a professional grade was used mainly for Power Point presentations and things of that nature...when they actually turned it on.....really was a waste of money...but big corps tend to do that......good for me though......question for the screen you're getting wall mount for permanent display or does it retract into the ceiling? The one I have is going to be mounted in the ceiling and it is controlled by remote up and down...and it closes off into it's housing flush with the ceiling.
plink said:
Mmm, not exactly. The projector still displays the 16:9 resolution, but just adds black bars on the top and bottom. So its still displaying 1280x720 but now part of the width is black bars. You would not gain any resolution by buying a 2.35:1 widescreen projector as the resolution of the dvd is still 480p. which is a 16:9 ratio. All that would do is cut off the black bars for you. So its basically pointless.

what i said was

"Then if you put in a 1280x720P will effectively only use 1280 out of the 1386 pixels wide and 720 pixels out of the 768 pixels high.Meaning in an LCD display you will have "black" bars on top and bottom of the pj and also some on the side." on a 1386*768 display ;)

The 1280x720 on a 16x9 is still being used but beside the 545 pixels being used to display content of the 2.35 title. The other pixels are still being used but are displaying nothing more than black. Hence with a panamorph lense. You use the entire 1280x720 panel which if you viewed without the panamorph lens looks like all the people are anorexic thin ;) The lens actually corrects this and sends the image as a true 2.35 image using all 1280x720 pixels instead of 1280x544imagecontent+175 pixels worth of black bar.. Trust me. The theaters have been using this technique since the early 70's.
^ Since he says stretch, I am guessing his projector will manipulate it to use as much as possible.
Ok the screen I have is a DA-Lite Model No. B801-93 Serial No.35148...8X10...this is on the side panel of the screen....I just looked.....forturnately for me....I work from home 3 days a week on my computer and 2 days I go to the I can do pretty much as I please all day....I only go in if there's a problem......going to look for their site and see if I can see how good this screen is.
EQTakeOffense said:

You said:

Since, you're not running at the native resolution, you have black bars around the game, correct?

Correct. they are on the side though... BUT, what I can do is use my projectors 'full' mode which will auto stretch the image to 1280x720 widescreen, it looks gross, just like using the config file in doom3 and running a 1280x720 res.
AOM said:
Real funny you've ever read any reviews on that series of Infinity Speakers you'd know that their highly recommended for the price range ....and if you have the money to really can't get much better sound quality than the Infinity Prelude MTS series....but they are outrageous in price...but I know you were just joshing me :D ...yeah...the receiver is awesome...but to be honest since I just got it a couple of months ago I really haven't even had time to break it in yet.....I haven't got to really sit down and use it a whole lot and check out a lot of dvd's or anything....but I've also been kind of waiting to get the projector setup so that I can view them really well also :) .......I looked on the link you gave me but I couldn't seem to find anything on that projector on that might be b/c it's a professional grade was used mainly for Power Point presentations and things of that nature...when they actually turned it on.....really was a waste of money...but big corps tend to do that......good for me though......question for the screen you're getting wall mount for permanent display or does it retract into the ceiling? The one I have is going to be mounted in the ceiling and it is controlled by remote up and down...and it closes off into it's housing flush with the ceiling.

I am getting a permanent wall mount, for the screen. I like the look of the screen just sitting on the way. Tho the cinema contour will really improve the look as well.

hehe... your a little touchy about your speakers :D I'm just buggin you though as I would be the same way if someone mocked my PSB's (the best speakers on the planet) :p
figgie said:
what i said was

"Then if you put in a 1280x720P will effectively only use 1280 out of the 1386 pixels wide and 720 pixels out of the 768 pixels high.Meaning in an LCD display you will have "black" bars on top and bottom of the pj and also some on the side." on a 1386*768 display ;)

The 1280x720 on a 16x9 is still being used but beside the 545 pixels being used to display content of the 2.35 title. The other pixels are still being used but are displaying nothing more than black. Hence with a panamorph lense. You use the entire 1280x720 panel which if you viewed without the panamorph lens looks like all the people are anorexic thin ;) The lens actually corrects this and sends the image as a true 2.35 image using all 1280x720 pixels instead of 1280x544imagecontent+175 pixels worth of black bar.. Trust me. The theaters have been using this technique since the early 70's.

Sorry I think I just missunderstood your original post. I also didn't realize the panamorphic lens could correct the stretching of the image. good to know.
AOM said:
Ok the screen I have is a DA-Lite Model No. B801-93 Serial No.35148...8X10...this is on the side panel of the screen....I just looked.....forturnately for me....I work from home 3 days a week on my computer and 2 days I go to the I can do pretty much as I please all day....I only go in if there's a problem......going to look for their site and see if I can see how good this screen is., not sure if they list model numbers, so you could try sending them an email.
We'll it's not the highest quality screen compared to the newer models but it's still very nice....found it on a search.....this is what it has as far as features.....Matte White, Glass Beaded,Video Spectra 1.5 and High's cleanable with mild soap and that's a plus when you want to clean it.....

Video Spectra 1.5

Especially designed for demanding video and overhead LCD projection applications where a balance of higher gain and greater viewing angle is required. The special pearlescent surface may be cleaned with mild soap and water. Screen surface can be cleaned with mild soap and water. Flame retardant and mildew resistant.

Viewing Angle: 35°
Gain: 1.5

Glass Beaded

This surface has the ability to achieve a higher gain by reflecting more of the projected image back along the projection axis. Glass beads impregnated into the screen's surface provide additional reflectance. This attribute creates an unparalleled screen surface that reproduces vibrant life-like color at moderate viewing angles. Flame retardant and mildew resistant.

Viewing Angle: 30°
Gain: 2.5

High Power

A technological breakthrough, combines the reflectivity of a glass beaded surface with the ability to clean the surface when required. Its smooth surface offers the highest gain of all types of screen surfaces with moderate viewing angle. Screen surface can be cleaned with mild soap and water. Flame retardant and mildew resistant.

Viewing Angle: 25°
Gain: 2.8

Matte White

The most versatile screen surface and the premier choice when ambient light is controllable. It evenly distributes light over a wide viewing area while colors remain bright and life-like, with no shifts in hue. Screen surface can be cleaned with mild soap and water. Flame retardant and mildew resistant.

Viewing Angle: 50°
Gain: 1.0

so considering what I found should be pretty good....hope to get it up in the next month or two....going to take me a while ...b/c I'm going to have my ceiling redone in that room completely so I can have the projector and screen both motorize down out of the ceiling and then back up out of view when I'm not using soon as I get it up and running I will be sure to post some high quality pics so that you can see the setup :) .....and your speakers are only 2nd best....mine are the best :p
AOM said:
We'll it's not the highest quality screen compared to the newer models but it's still very nice....found it on a search.....this is what it has as far as features.....Matte White, Glass Beaded,Video Spectra 1.5 and High's cleanable with mild soap and that's a plus when you want to clean it.....

so considering what I found should be pretty good....hope to get it up in the next month or two....going to take me a while ...b/c I'm going to have my ceiling redone in that room completely so I can have the projector and screen both motorize down out of the ceiling and then back up out of view when I'm not using soon as I get it up and running I will be sure to post some high quality pics so that you can see the setup :) .....and your speakers are only 2nd best....mine are the best :p

hahahahaha.... a man and his speakers. Were almost more loyal to them, than to anything else on this planet. :rolleyes:
This thread might be somewhat about Doom 3 but I know you guys bought those set ups for Pokemon the movie. Come on, admit it!!!!!
Does anyone else think it's plain stupid at this point to have all these issues with various widescreen formats? Lets put on some rose colored glasses for a moment and assume we live in an ideal world.

Why can't the LCD projectors be built with a pixel count high enough to display maximum resolution of any normal video source that currently exists? And why can't the image and bulb both have have mechanical adjustment that adjusts for whatever res and width you are using? Photocopiers can do it.

Or at the very least why don't they all come with panamorphic lenses to alleviate the problem of 2.35 widescreen?

Computer monitors automatically adjust their res, refresh rate, and user defined screen positions. Projectors should be capable of that as well. As a matter of fact, these same complaints apply to all rear projection TVs.
Movieesa said:
This thread might be somewhat about Doom 3 but I know you guys bought those set ups for Pokemon the movie. Come on, admit it!!!!!

pokemon the movie

no way dude..

I bought to watch transformer the movie AND the CARE BEAR MOVIE!!!! :p
Well I'm bored, so heres another wideangle picture of my room. (tho its with a flash and I did a crappy photoshopping edit cause I'm too lazy to do a better job)

Movieesa said:
This thread might be somewhat about Doom 3 but I know you guys bought those set ups for Pokemon the movie. Come on, admit it!!!!!

What?! Are you spying on me? ...I really only watch it for testing my projectors colors and contrast levels.... heh... really. And if you don't believe that, I bought it cause someday I plan on having kids.
that is sick. my crappy little 17 inch LCD makes me cry now :(

dont worry. as soon as I get a DVI->component adapter I shall play it on a 32 inch TV :D
Advil said:
Does anyone else think it's plain stupid at this point to have all these issues with various widescreen formats? Lets put on some rose colored glasses for a moment and assume we live in an ideal world.

Why can't the LCD projectors be built with a pixel count high enough to display maximum resolution of any normal video source that currently exists? And why can't the image and bulb both have have mechanical adjustment that adjusts for whatever res and width you are using? Photocopiers can do it.

Or at the very least why don't they all come with panamorphic lenses to alleviate the problem of 2.35 widescreen?

Computer monitors automatically adjust their res, refresh rate, and user defined screen positions. Projectors should be capable of that as well. As a matter of fact, these same complaints apply to all rear projection TVs.

I agree. Except I think that aspect of entertainment will always be behind computers. Most people do not want to upgrade their home theater and television systems every 2 years, like we upgrade our computers. Though ya never know, if companies see that there is enough of a demand for it, they may make changes like this sooner than later. Its definetely possible, and if they mass produced enough units, could do it cost effectively. Though were talking like 1 in 5 people would have to want this. ;)
Advil said:
Does anyone else think it's plain stupid at this point to have all these issues with various widescreen formats? Lets put on some rose colored glasses for a moment and assume we live in an ideal world.

Why can't the LCD projectors be built with a pixel count high enough to display maximum resolution of any normal video source that currently exists? And why can't the image and bulb both have have mechanical adjustment that adjusts for whatever res and width you are using? Photocopiers can do it.

Or at the very least why don't they all come with panamorphic lenses to alleviate the problem of 2.35 widescreen?

Computer monitors automatically adjust their res, refresh rate, and user defined screen positions. Projectors should be capable of that as well. As a matter of fact, these same complaints apply to all rear projection TVs.

once more. How much does a Apple LCD panel cost? 3000 and look how big it is. Now imaging trying to squeeze that into a 1inch square. The price WILL go up substantially to support anything near 1600x1200> We are looking at car prices.

funny as i have no problems with my CRT based projector... so i have no clue what you are talking about ;)
That is beautiful. What really made me excited is that your audio is as good as your picture :D
We'll if you want the best monitor for playing computer games on and don't have to have the largest screen in the 2001 Sony made a 65"XBR Computer Monitor that did 1980 X 1720 ....had 12 inputs on the back.....was made for graphical presentations...cad work or game programers who needed or wanted something like that....was $11,000.00 ...I could've gotten it for $6750.00 on accomadation but I didn't have the loot then or it would be in my house today.....correction...I could've had it but I wouldn't have been engaged any longer if I would've bought it b/c she tripped when I told her I might get it.....told me if I could buy that then I could buy a more expensive I cheaped out and didn't do I regret it.....I don't know what you could get one now for....but if you could find one it would be worth it if you can't go the projector route and can afford to pick one up.....I saw one at CES and it looked absolutely incredible....I'll try to find it on the net and post a link for you guys to see's a work of art......and actually colorful animation pokemon,carebears(lol),evangelion series,batman animated,animatrix or any disney dvd is great to adjust your set by....I've used them before...but the best thing I've ever used is Reference Setup DVD...they work great....PLink ...what dvd is that in on top of your equipment...looks familiar but I can make it
khaosman said:
That is beautiful. What really made me excited is that your audio is as good as your picture :D

One is just as important as the other. Can't have a good picture with awful sound, and vice versa. :D
So, in regards to my resolution question.

You make the games fit around the resolution. Read: You change the games resolution to match the projectors instead of in a CRT where you change the resolution of the screen to match the game. Correct?
Omg Omg Dood Joo Are The L33test! Can I Cum Over And Wax Joor Car!? Is Joor Gf Hot!? I Bet He Is!

EQTakeOffense said:
So, in regards to my resolution question.

You make the games fit around the resolution. Read: You change the games resolution to match the projectors instead of in a CRT where you change the resolution of the screen to match the game. Correct?

Close enough, yes.
bjork said:
Omg Omg Dood Joo Are The L33test! Can I Cum Over And Wax Joor Car!? Is Joor Gf Hot!? I Bet He Is!


-Spelling and grammer (needs improvement)

Please see me after class.
Im on a big screen too (72"), and with 5.1 surround sound. I run doom at 1360x768 through my Nec6pg CRT projector, very sharp, very fast, very very pretty!

I need to upgrade my video card so i can run at high detail level, however :(


Stumbo said:
Im on a big screen too (72"), and with 5.1 surround sound. I run doom at 1360x768 through my Nec6pg CRT projector, very sharp, very fast, very very pretty!

I need to upgrade my video card so i can run at high detail level, however :(



How can you move a mouse sitting on a couch? I would need a flat service or something. Probably a table right next to me or in front of me at my arm's level, not low, like the one you have.