Official Dell 2407WFP Thread - Reviews, Revisions, Screenies

Would getting a 2407WFP be a better purchase than the 2405? My friend has the 2405 and he loves it yet it doesnt have HDCP, and he doesnt do that much gaming, more movies so as far as input lag, or gradiants, or viewing angles or reponse time goes, he doesnt care. What did dell upgrade in the 2405 to put in the 2407 besides HDCP and crappy gradient problems?
got my 2407 today, from an ebay reseller for 650 shipped. came in a sealed dell box.

rev a02
no color banding in desktop mode, severe color banding in other modes.
0 dead pixels.

best purchase i've made this year. only 650!
what else should i be looking out for? dling 1080p trailers right now from apple. brightness at 40. i like it bright. what settings/programs should i use to make the most out of this monitor?
could you please tell us the name of the seller you bought from on ebay?

i know a few people, including myself, have heard some horror stories about ebay, and reliable word-of-mouth info is always appreciated...

DangerIsGo said:
Would getting a 2407WFP be a better purchase than the 2405? My friend has the 2405 and he loves it yet it doesnt have HDCP, and he doesnt do that much gaming, more movies so as far as input lag, or gradiants, or viewing angles or reponse time goes, he doesnt care. What did dell upgrade in the 2405 to put in the 2407 besides HDCP and crappy gradient problems?

I don't think it's possible to buy a 2405 at this point, outside of ebay. Last time I visited the Dell website bout a week ago I didn't see one for sale :rolleyes:

Looks like a 2407 is your only choice...besides, its HDCP compliant. What's to lose?
vizx said:
could you please tell us the name of the seller you bought from on ebay?

i know a few people, including myself, have heard some horror stories about ebay, and reliable word-of-mouth info is always appreciated...


seller was "dpweitz2"
I have a's kinda about both the 2405FPW and the friend is letting me use his 2405 until my 2407 arrives (APO shipping for the lose). Maybe it's just because I don't have the right monitor drivers set up (the resolution slider goes all the way up to 2560x1600) but I didn't see any support for 1680x1050 when I was playing around with it. I wanted to try out 1680x1050 because I wanted to see how well the monitor would scale outside of its native res. Does the 2407 support this resolution? My X1900XT is nice and fast but I know that the way games are going these days, it won't be long before one X1900 can no longer handle 1920x1200 gaming.
How well do you guys think dual 7900gs SLI will support a game at the native resolution of 1920x1200 on this monitor? Let's say F.E.A.R or HL:2?

Thanks for any help.
HL2, no prob. FEAR, it'll stutter with all features on.

HL@ runs silky on my 2407 with everything on, 2xAA, 4XAF, 1920x1200, with one 7800gtx 512mb
come on should be easy to check...does the 2407wfp support 1680x1050 scaled down?
using nvidia quadro.. by default ... got mine down to 1600x1024 res stretch ti fill only, you could also try to force a custom resolution.. which I just did .. 1680x1050 stretch to fill also.. no problems..
I got two 2405 and not happy with the viewing angles. does the 2407 do is? thinking about switching. I also have a Samsung 213T and vewing angles is almost perfect. see PIC bellow.


see the running in the gray area?
here is my 213T


anyone got any pics to compare?
Hi Guys,

I got an A02 version of the 2407 and it showed a red ghosting around black text when moving. If I opened a text file and scrolled the text I would get a bad red ghosting effect. On lower brightness settings the ghosting would be green.

Dell sent me a replacement and the version was A01. No ghosting problem. Displays were both run from DVI. I still have both monitors and when I switch betwen the two, A02 shows ghosting and A01 doesn't. Another difference is that the A02 monitor is much brighter. When both are set to 100, A02 is significantly brighter and when both are at 0, A01 is significantly darker.

Are there any settings to adjust on the A02 monitor to eliminate the ghosting? What's changed between A01 and A02?

Any thoughts? :confused:

A01 is essentially A02... firmware wise and I suspect hardware as well. Essentially no difference between the two except for the name. I had the ghosting problem also with a A00 reversion but none with a A01. Brightness essentially depends on the cold cathode backlight and to a smaller extend the calibration of the liquid crystals twisting
I don't think it's possible to buy a 2405 at this point, outside of ebay. Last time I visited the Dell website bout a week ago I didn't see one for sale

Looks like a 2407 is your only choice...besides, its HDCP compliant. What's to lose?

Yeah I know that, I would buy from someone on a forum

Whats to lose? Well there is that nagging banding issue with the 2407 and im wondering how many slip out with it? Is it everyone? Do some not have it? Is dell getting better or worse? Screw HDCP at this point.
banding is fixed in desktop mode for the a02 revisions. all 2407s being shipped as of now are a02. no plans for a03
PCG_Norman said:
banding is fixed in desktop mode for the a02 revisions. all 2407s being shipped as of now are a02. no plans for a03

Nice, I just placed on order for a 2407WFP. :D
PCG_Norman said:
banding is fixed in desktop mode for the a02 revisions. all 2407s being shipped as of now are a02. no plans for a03

That's not quite accurate. There is still some banding in vertical gradients. It's not terrible, but it's there.
jAkUp said:
I got mine today :D A02 no dead pixels.

Unfortunately, this monitor has major problems with Quad SLI off of DVI. When gaming, the screen is very jumpy, and in SFR games I see a horizontal line moving up and down. This is not the load balancing bar as it is disabled. Some other people are getting this as well with quad SLI. VGA seems to work ok though.

Here is a pic, I am coming from an NEC FE2111SB


Over the VGA it causes things like a "wavering" image. Load up CSS, DoD and watch the screen while in the options menu or go in Oblivion and just puase the game. Disabling Quad SLi fixes it. Official support should be out in like 2 months.
Has anyone hooked up the 07 beast to 1080i cable connection??? That is what I would buy it for and I need to now if it will actually run it...( already have an 05 for desktop )
I was just messin around on the desktop and I noticed something. If you take a window and drag it across a white background fast do you see a greenish afterimage for a second trailing the window?
Bob: yes I do. sometimes.

My new a02 2407 has banding ,that greenish trail problem, and fuzzy text to go with it.

I'm getting a refund. I doubt a replacement would fix Dell's poor manufacturing skills.
PascalT said:
Bob: yes I do. sometimes.

My new a02 2407 has banding ,that greenish trail problem, and fuzzy text to go with it.

I'm getting a refund. I doubt a replacement would fix Dell's poor manufacturing skills.

It still can't be beat by any 24" in its price range. I'm holding on to mine until something definitely better than it is coming out.
PascalT said:
Bob: yes I do. sometimes.

My new a02 2407 has banding ,that greenish trail problem, and fuzzy text to go with it.

I'm getting a refund. I doubt a replacement would fix Dell's poor manufacturing skills.
You could try your luck to return for replacement before trying refund, as my first had the greenish trail, but the second one does not. A00 to A01 by the way...
I just checked out the Dell forums, someone there said the trailing goes away at about 28 brightness. I'm going to give that a try tomorrow.
mine definitely has the green trail, as you can see it in the page scrollbar on the right side. this is most noticable during the day, but i can live with it.

here's another question: what brightness settings do you all use? i realize it's a matter of preference, but I wanted to poll people. i am currently at 30.
I just placed an order for the 2407WFP today, I'll let you all know how it works out when I get it.

It's coming UPS Ground 3-5 day so it should be here by this friday if not sooner :)
The green trail problem is fixed by lowering the brightness below 28, I just tested it. The 2407 is still brighter at 24 than my Samsung 930B is at max so I'm not complaining. :)
Askanison said:
You could try your luck to return for replacement before trying refund, as my first had the greenish trail, but the second one does not. A00 to A01 by the way...

yup i did.. getting a replacement tomorrow shipped to me. I'll let you guys know how that one turned out.
I had an A02 and the greenish trail would turn to a reddish trail at brightnesses above 50. The ghosting would be visible near any high contrat division.

I got a replacement and they sent me an A01. No ghosting evident at any brightness setting. However, 100 brightness was definitely brighter on the A02 than the A01; the A01 definitely goes bright enough.

Has anyone with an A01 revision seen the ghosting at any brightness level?

Do you guys think they mucked something up from A01 to A02?

Hi all. I just recieved my new XPS with the 2407. It's a beautiful screen, when the wife walked into the room this evening all she said Ha, anyway it's a China A02 with no dead pixels I can tell using DPB :D

I lowered the brightness to around 25 or so and the screen still lights up the room. I haven't noticed any ghosting playing COD2 and there isn't much if any lag. I driving the screen with a 512MB X1900XTX BTW.

Two questions:
What settings are you running?
Has anyone wall mounted this beast?

I found a bug with this monitor, running 1600x1200 disables the wide mode selector even though it is obviously a 4:3 resolution.

If you using VGA like I am then you screwed. I cannot use DVI until the issues with Quad SLi are resolved in a month or two. :( The nVidia control pannel doesn't allow graphics adapter scaling over VGA.
Bop said:
I found a bug with this monitor, running 1600x1200 disables the wide mode selector even though it is obviously a 4:3 resolution.

That's probably just normal operation.
That's not quite accurate. There is still some banding in vertical gradients. It's not terrible, but it's there.

And horizontal, where its most noticible. I think im better off getting a 2405 at this point. Sure its an awesome price for its size range, but with all these problems of banding, i dont want to take the chance to spend more than I have to for this monitor...thats just ridiculous. I shouldnt have to spend a penny more for the monitor (accessories dont count) that I have to so I dont wanna spend loads of money on RMA shipping.
winston856 said:
That's probably just normal operation.

Don't think you're understanding what is going on here's a known bug (read: not normal operation) for the 2407...any signal with a vertical rez of 1200 will be scaled to fill the screen, whether it's a widescreen image or not. As far as I know, no one's been able to display 1600x1200 on the 2407 yet.

I'm hoping mine gets here in the next few days.
BLK03GT said:
Hi all. I just recieved my new XPS with the 2407. It's a beautiful screen, when the wife walked into the room this evening all she said Ha, anyway it's a China A02 with no dead pixels I can tell using DPB :D

I lowered the brightness to around 25 or so and the screen still lights up the room. I haven't noticed any ghosting playing COD2 and there isn't much if any lag. I driving the screen with a 512MB X1900XTX BTW.

Two questions:
What settings are you running?
Has anyone wall mounted this beast?


The XPS 700?