Old School Diablo Revival!!!!


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
With all the excitement about Diablo3 going around I know a lot of you myself included, installed D1 and D2 again. We should get some [H] games going on battle.net! Who's with me!?
I'm about to kill Diablo after starting a new Rogue yesterday.

I need a new bow though, as this short battle bow just isn't cutting it.

...Windforce please...?
I never played Diablo 1 or 2, is D2 worth the $20 Blizzard wants for it?
I'm about to dust off my Diablo 1 CD and have another play through. Has anyone played the Hellfire expansion pack? I'm wondering if it is worthwhile getting it or not.
If anyone needs any help with the first four acts of normal in Diablo II shoot me a PM.
Just killed Diablo, I had that fucker stunlocked even with my crappy bow. Spending all my money on dex elixirs paid off I guess since I never missed.

I tried to dupe an elixir just for shits and giggles, but I seem to have lost my touch. Either that or it just becomes insanely difficult on modern hardware, though I remember it being easier on battle.net.

I never played Diablo 1 or 2, is D2 worth the $20 Blizzard wants for it?

Can I justify spending $20 on a game that old? Not really, but the game itself is worth it. Personally, I would just pirate it since it's not $10 like it would be in a perfect world. Although if it comes with the expansion, $20 total isn't that bad of a deal.
I'm in for a bnet game, starting fresh, right now. If anyone has a vent hit me up and I'll play.
Anyone know of a utility to export single player Diablo characters to multiplayer?
Of course this is not possible in D2, but I remember doing it in D1.
We should just keep a [H] channel up when any of us get on. Im down to play.
damn you guys, i guess i have to reinstall diablo2 again, damn that itch. you guys on east or west?
You Diablo 2 guys are going with Ladder characters I hope? It should be dupe-free for at least a week or two longer I think.
I would install it too if I had any of the games.. but i dont, and as others have said no way i'm wasting $20 on such an old game.. they are nuts asking that kind of dough.. $10 on the other hand seems much more reasonable..
Nope, their duping runes already. It will only be a number right now bc if peeps want to buy the dupes, its mad expensive lol...
I'm about to dust off my Diablo 1 CD and have another play through. Has anyone played the Hellfire expansion pack? I'm wondering if it is worthwhile getting it or not.

Hellfire wasn't very good but it wasn't so bad that you shouldn't play it. Note that Blizzard didn't make it, so it was just a hey lets get more money move by Sierra.

In other news I got my character over to bnet from single player so if anyone wants to screw around in D1 on bnet give me a pm. I have access to a vent server as well as a TS one to boot.
Nope, their duping runes already. It will only be a number right now bc if peeps want to buy the dupes, its mad expensive lol...

Ah well, I still plan to roll a ladder character. Not hardcore though since I have no clue what a good build is these days and would probably get ganked right away.
I play hardcore ladder on US-East. Also for those of you who want to play on b.net for cheap, you could just buy a cd-key for someone. I have 3 d2 cd keys that I got for around 5 dollars each.
I am SO down for Diablo 1. If anyone wants to play PM me too! I will play. I am off Monday through Wednesday. Hit me up guys!
i am wet over diablo 3.....

starcraft 2 and diablo 3 are locks for the top 2 selling games of 08/09
I lost my cd key for d2. The game is still installed on another computer though. Is their any way to get the cd key from it?
Please don't tell people to pirate an awesome game like this. It is TOTALLY worth $20. Hell, you get the battle chest for that price! If I hadn't already played this game for about 7 years already, I would pay $50 for the battle chest again.
Please don't tell people to pirate an awesome game like this. It is TOTALLY worth $20. Hell, you get the battle chest for that price! If I hadn't already played this game for about 7 years already, I would pay $50 for the battle chest again.

A single game and its expansion can hardly be described as a "battle chest." (The one on "sale" at Blizzard for $40 [not $20])

Now some might argue that the inclusion of two "strategy guides" might make the label more fitting, but I would then call said person an idiot.

If it included D1 + Hellfire (not especially great but whatever) on the other hand, I would raise the rating to strong buy.
I lost my cd key for d2. The game is still installed on another computer though. Is their any way to get the cd key from it?

You might be able to find it in the registry. Scan for Diablo entries. Its 16 alpha-numeric characters....I just reinstalled saturday and blew the weekend hacking away. :D
the battle chest is D1, D2, and D2 LoD, plus the guides. I thought it was a lot cheaper than $40.
Wow I've been out of D2 for a while, what are all the sweet build/gear combos and word on new bosses? (I heard of uber Diablo, but all the other ones and I heard someting about Lillith?)

Also, I just want to putz around single player, is there a trust worthy single player character editor out there?
I'm interested, is this vanilla D2 or with LOD? and is everyone starting from scratch?
I'm about to dust off my Diablo 1 CD and have another play through. Has anyone played the Hellfire expansion pack? I'm wondering if it is worthwhile getting it or not.

I thought Hellfire was great. The monk character was bad ASS! :D

About the only problem was that it was singleplayer only. No problem to me though.
After loading LOD I thought that was the only way to go because of some of the minor tweaks they made to make things easier. Like Right clickin on potions in your inventory so it auto-placed them into your "belt"?

That was HUGE for me...
I loaned my CDs to my stepfather several months ago, maybe if I get them back soon I'll give it another go. I would like to find my Diablo and Hellfire CDs though.