Supreme Commander 2 demo is released

The campaign levels they included ARE 3rd and 4th levels of the UEF campaign, so while the twist comes early, it's not in the first mission.

Really? Well thats weird :). It didn't look that way from the campaign screen, but that thing wasn't super easy to read.
Looks really well optimized.

All highest settings (no AA, 8x AF), 1440x900 perfectly smooth on my 9600GT 256MB :eek: No doubt it isn't exactly GPU dependent, but I also run a rather measly C2D 2.4GHz.

I remember trying to run SupCom on my 8800GT 512MB and Opteron 165 @ 2.7GHz and it was not playable.
Hmm, I enjoyed the demo, could have used maybe 1 skirmish map to play the AI or something and get a better feel for it.

I like the tech tree, nice touch.
I like adding turrets and such to buildings, another good touch.

In EyeFinity it seems that the DOF is off a little, doesnt look quite right but still a lot of fun.

I enjoyed the huge maps where I could amass units and duke it out. As long as those aspects are still there I should be good. I will probably pick up the game. Never really did the first online that much due to time but I enjoyed it.
Still going to buy this, I have too much love for TA (the memories...) and SupCom1 not to do so. In my two decades of video gaming, TA was the only one I ever became a true master in.
Chris Taylor don't let me down here!
Looks like it is $35 from Amazon too if one counts $15 Amazon game credit equal to actual cash.
Yea i really wish they had included the ability to just skirmish, just to be able to mess around a bit.
I bought TA on day 1 and have spent many days on MSN Zone; it's been one of my favorite RTS game since. SupCom1 was a dirty heathen to me, they took out most things that were great and added a lot of crap I never wanted.

That said, this demo was much more fun than I expected and I'm suddenly looking forward to the game! They'll NEVER go back to TA, you have to accept that, but at least they have improved on SupCom. I'm all for removing upgradable factories and extractors, adjacency bonuses and mass converter farms. The unit graphics in SupCom were 90% shit IMO and with these new lego graphics at least I can tell exactly what's what without having to zoom in all the way.

Yea, resource allocation and hovering aircraft are bullshit, but otherwise this is good shit. Anyone complaining about lack of "character" and comparing this game to other RTSs is just a trolling mongoloid tbh.
I didn't like TA and SupCom1 very much, but I did enjoy this demo a lot.

inb4hurr dumb young console player... (I am none of those ;))
Enjoyed and demo and it ran without any problems, I'll be buying it when it comes out.
Wasn't a big fan, I can see why people like it but it just isn't my cup of tea.
I bought TA on day 1 and have spent many days on MSN Zone; it's been one of my favorite RTS game since. SupCom1 was a dirty heathen to me, they took out most things that were great and added a lot of crap I never wanted.

That said, this demo was much more fun than I expected and I'm suddenly looking forward to the game! They'll NEVER go back to TA, you have to accept that, but at least they have improved on SupCom. I'm all for removing upgradable factories and extractors, adjacency bonuses and mass converter farms. The unit graphics in SupCom were 90% shit IMO and with these new lego graphics at least I can tell exactly what's what without having to zoom in all the way.

Yea, resource allocation and hovering aircraft are bullshit, but otherwise this is good shit. Anyone complaining about lack of "character" and comparing this game to other RTSs is just a trolling mongoloid tbh.

That's the thing that I find upsetting. It DOES feel a lot more like TA than Supcom 1 did, which makes me happy. But the micromanagement of the poor economy system just completely ruins it for me. I hope they allow people to mod it and somebody makes an economy mod. I'd most likely buy it in that case.
I think they did a nice job revamping the tech-tree. The tier 1/2/3 factories were a pretty dated mechanic and made it a bit too obvious what you were doing in the original.

The one bad thing I think they did was make the full cost of the unit/structure come out of your resource pool. That gradual cost over the build was one of the things that really separated it from other RTS games.
I bought TA on day 1 and have spent many days on MSN Zone; it's been one of my favorite RTS game since. SupCom1 was a dirty heathen to me, they took out most things that were great and added a lot of crap I never wanted.

That said, this demo was much more fun than I expected and I'm suddenly looking forward to the game! They'll NEVER go back to TA, you have to accept that, but at least they have improved on SupCom. I'm all for removing upgradable factories and extractors, adjacency bonuses and mass converter farms. The unit graphics in SupCom were 90% shit IMO and with these new lego graphics at least I can tell exactly what's what without having to zoom in all the way.

Yea, resource allocation and hovering aircraft are bullshit, but otherwise this is good shit. Anyone complaining about lack of "character" and comparing this game to other RTSs is just a trolling mongoloid tbh.

+1 on the art direction, SC1 in snow maps everything UEF/cybran just came out as black blobs. I prefer the much vibrant colour scheme any day.
Preordered, will be picking up a second monitor tomorrow I cant wait to play this damn game.
+1 on the art direction, SC1 in snow maps everything UEF/cybran just came out as black blobs. I prefer the much vibrant colour scheme any day.

This is exactly why the units are so bright, though I think the demo is of an older build so the colors might be a bit more muted in the final version (if not, there will be mods to change this as there is already one guy who recolored the UEF faction... For example: Steveb (GPG developer) stated that GPG tested many color schemes out, hence why some pictures are less bright than other, and found a good balance in the end. Also, it depends on the map as that now has an effect with SupCom 2's better ambient lighting system.
Just finished the demo. One of the things I noticed, is it does not seem like you could have multiple engineers/commander assisting construction.

Don't care for the new economy. I'm use to the way the old SC1 works.

Glad they kept the scrolling zoom. Odd that they change the sound effect based on your zoom level..

Warmed up to the tech tree. Once I built out tech centers, it goes pretty fast. Too fast, actually. Wonder how that will play out in skirmishes. My demo looked to only have a no-save campaign, no skirmish.

Gah, just a handful of single player maps, from the looks of things. Come on... just a couple more maps would have gone a long way.

Interesting how you can buy shields, etc for your factories. Not sure how useful that will be in practice.

Tactical missile defense as a ship upgrade... made life a bit too easy. A launcher should scare me more.

Not sure if I'll pull the trigger on this or not... or wait for it to hit the $20 range when steam puts it on sale. I will do steam, as the patching process has gotten silly with SC1. Won't do that again.
Did anyone else get dual monitor to work in the demo?? I have both my monitors setup my 37inch 1920x1080p as primary and my 24inch 1920x1200 as my secondary, as a copy display. When I go into supreme commander 2 demo and try and select my secondary monitor nothing is there... is there something im doing wrong??
Not sure if I'll pull the trigger on this or not... or wait for it to hit the $20 range when steam puts it on sale. I will do steam, as the patching process has gotten silly with SC1. Won't do that again.

SupCom 2 is actually a Steamworks-enabled game, so even if you buy retail the game will use Steam.
As an RTS game it looks good and has promise. As a SupCom game, it does not. If you're looking for another standard RTS, you might enjoy this. But a lot of the things that made SupCom unique are now gone. Its as if they took base building out of a C&C game........Oh wait :(.

I couldn't agree more, it felt like the Red alert 2 to me. just on a larger scale. I guess i will just stay with supcom 1 then. I don't see any reason to purchase this, unless its a 4.99 special
I played the entire demo over the weekend and I gotta say...
The game performs very well, a lot smoother and more refined the original. But my units and my base all look like freaking legos! Why are all my units a very bold blue? against the nice realistic background they look as out of place as Chuck Norris in a gay pride parade.
There are not even 1/2 of the amount of different units in the game.
The economy is OK I can live with that. I am a little upset that they changed it and thus breaking the infinite ques. but I can survive that I guess but with everything else no.
Just feels like they took everything great about this game and took a crap on it. The game is not as epic feeling or nearly as fun as the original. Just the same dumbing down of video games that of which is all we see anymore.
Did anyone else get dual monitor to work in the demo?? I have both my monitors setup my 37inch 1920x1080p as primary and my 24inch 1920x1200 as my secondary, as a copy display. When I go into supreme commander 2 demo and try and select my secondary monitor nothing is there... is there something im doing wrong??

It worked well enough for me. I couldn't figure out how to scroll around on my 2nd monitor, so I just had it zoomed out all the way the whole game.
LOL @ people saying "the whole demo." It was, what, 2 missions that took about an hour to play?
Played the first level, and that was enough for me. Another new game, 1920res, and my >3yr old system still running it fine. Liking that.

Very disappointed in the change in economy, that always made TA/SupCom my fav RTSes.

Seemed less epic. Battleships on second level? Experimental units on second and third level? Those were like huge, take forever to build, goliath units which are really tough. I just took like 6-8 tech level 1 subs and smashed the thing in the water with them. Whole lot of meh.
The demo bored the crap out of me, and the fact that the best thing anyone can say about the final game is "it runs well" tells me everything I need to know. What a turd. I hope (and believe) it will tank financially. Taylor deserves to pay for betraying his core audience.
what is it dinobots now? lol. doesn't have my attention like ta and supcom did but guess i'll give it a shot maybe.
Seems like most of the GPG forum members are enjoying the full game, which had more people complaining about the demo than this thread. :) Also, colors are indeed more muted compared to the demo.

There is one "dinobot" in the game. It is the Cybranzilla (one of the Cybran experimental units)! You're not alone in thinking it is a silly unit.

A thing to note is that SupCom 1 received a lot of hate when it was released too.
Well, even though I didn't like the demo too much, I went by gamestop and purchased a copy on my way home. I have gotta say, I am enjoying the multiplayer more than I expected.
Based on the posts in the steam forum and gpg forum, the game what was expected. A watered down console version to attract more casual RTS players.

Ill pass.
I played the full game today, and it is a pure EPIC FAIL. This is not Supreme Commander 2, it is Supreme Commander Fischer Prize edition, for <5 years old. They took one of the best PC strategy franchises and dumbed it down so much that it is a total turnoff.

The most major problems:
The economy is very dumbed down, no more flows of resources
Experimental units are massively underpowered compared to the past, and very easy to build
About half of the buildings are gone, and there are no more building upgrades to level 2 or 3
The graphics are much worse, for example units do not blow up to pieces any more.

From the comment section of
* Buildings don't link , so you can't link energy to factories to gain an advantage.
* You cannot assign a builder to assist another builder in order speed up the assembly of buildings.
* Formations appear to be gone.
* The fog of war is not shown.
* It appears impossible to display radar ranges, at least in the demo.
* The maps seem optimized for small/short game play.
* Units are more propotional to buildings, so of course this means building models are exceptionally huge for an RTS.
* The modelling is cartoonific, the units look bright and shiney and pretty instead of solid and metalic and gritty as they used to.
* The interface is clunky and iconic graphics are used to display the build queues instead of static renders of the actual item, so you have to learn to recognize the iconic symbol for the unit or building you wish to construct on the control panel, rather than simply having a picture of the unit or building like we used to before.

RIP SupCom.....
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* The interface is clunky and iconic graphics are used to display the build queues instead of static renders of the actual item, so you have to learn to recognize the iconic symbol for the unit or building you wish to construct on the control panel, rather than simply having a picture of the unit or building like we used to before.

RIP SupCom.....

Actually, the interface was the ONLY think i liked about the game, it had a smoother feel than supcom1. But everything is fisherprice lol.

Below is one review that will show you that this is not a true successor to supcom1


Supreme Commander 2 is the result of how, through prudent choices it's possible to convert a title suited almost exclusively to a niche of fans of the genre into a game for everyone.
I know I'm the minority here but I like that it's dumb down.

As someone with ADD, I have trouble even getting through tutorials these days. Let alone have the attention span to learn the complexity of SupCom.

And the fact that it runs perfectly smooth on all high on my 9600GT is also a great bonus.

What I'm worried about is the story. Do you need to play the first SupCom to understand what's going on?
AIUI, not really. And, knowing Squenix, there'll probably be a handy CGI prologue to explain what the heck was going on before you came along. :)
I played the full game today, and it is a pure EPIC FAIL. This is not Supreme Commander 2, it is Supreme Commander Fischer Prize edition, for <5 years old. They took one of the best PC strategy franchises and dumbed it down so much that it is a total turnoff.

The most major problems:
The economy is very dumbed down, no more flows of resources
Experimental units are massively underpowered compared to the past, and very easy to build
About half of the buildings are gone, and there are no more building upgrades to level 2 or 3
The graphics are much worse, for example units do not blow up to pieces any more.

From the comment section of
* Buildings don't link , so you can't link energy to factories to gain an advantage.
* You cannot assign a builder to assist another builder in order speed up the assembly of buildings.
* Formations appear to be gone.
* The fog of war is not shown.
* It appears impossible to display radar ranges, at least in the demo.
* The maps seem optimized for small/short game play.
* Units are more propotional to buildings, so of course this means building models are exceptionally huge for an RTS.
* The modelling is cartoonific, the units look bright and shiney and pretty instead of solid and metalic and gritty as they used to.
* The interface is clunky and iconic graphics are used to display the build queues instead of static renders of the actual item, so you have to learn to recognize the iconic symbol for the unit or building you wish to construct on the control panel, rather than simply having a picture of the unit or building like we used to before.

RIP SupCom.....
+1. Worthless arcade of a game.