Planning Project: OSIDIAS (SFF taken to the extreme)

craig! great to see it coming along! been out of the world for a while and was wondering what happened to this project...
Thanks man! You'll like this then!

Update time! I actually livestreamed the fiber going down, although it was a huge pain. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to skip taping the edges of the fiber. Needless to say those stray fibers soon became a problem as the layers went down. I managed to keep them out of the way, and got 5 layers on before I ran out of resin. That means I'm a layer short of what I wanted to be. Although looking at the finished assembly, it's likely thick enough, but I'm going to give it one more anyway. I had a little trouble sliding the outer mold in place. The resin kept sticking to the mold and pulling it down with it. Doh, why didn't I wrap plastic around it before the mold?! That would have taken care of the problem, and I'd be done. As it is, now I've got to sand and add the last layer anyway. Mostly for cosmetic reasons mind you. The outer mold caused some wavy weaves because of the sticky resin... and I just can't have that. I'm out of resin though, and will have to order more before continuing.

Well, enough of that. On to the pics! Here I'm using a template to cut out the layers of CF.


Obviously I couldn't take pics while wrapping, but here is the mold all clamped up.


Now it was time to see if that mold wax release was going to do it's job. I had a total of 3 layers on, so I was pretty confident. Success! The outer mold released without an issue. Here you can see the interior assembly in it's freshly released state. There are a few spots that didn't get completely 'covered' with resin, but it's hardly an issue. There was complete saturation and it's damn solid!


Finally, I took the dremel and cut off most of the excess fiber. You can see the interior mold is still in place. There's a good reason for that. It is cut to the exact dimensions that the assembly needs to be. During the final cut down, I'll use the interior mold as a guide to make sure everything is cut correctly. Without it, I don't think measuring out where I needed to cut would have been so fun...



At this point I've got to get some more resin ordered. In the meantime I'll sand down and prep the interior for the last layer of CF. Then I can start making holes in it for all the components and wiring. Woohoo!
Man, this a bad ass looking case. My mind is blown. And too think i am just doing a simple design in sketch-up... This, this, is wonderfully truly artistic work here. If i knew how to subscribe i would. I am noob, working on it lol.
Cant wait for updates. As long as you do not update while i am working cause it is distracting me lol
I just figured out how to subscribe! WOOT! GO craig!
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Thanks man! I've been on hiatus for a bit since I've been working on a few private projects, but I'll pick this up again soon after the new year. ;)

Sketchup huh? Does that mean you've got a new project in the works? Good luck!
Thanks man! I've been on hiatus for a bit since I've been working on a few private projects, but I'll pick this up again soon after the new year. ;)

Sketchup huh? Does that mean you've got a new project in the works? Good luck!

Nice i will have to check you website for the hiatus update then :D
yeah its nothing fancy like yours but for i want in a case and a first run i think it will be alright. :p
Nice i will have to check you website for the hiatus update then :D
yeah its nothing fancy like yours but for i want in a case and a first run i think it will be alright. :p

Yeah, head over there and sign up. I've got a few sneak peeks at a new project I'll be building for sale to the public. :D

You gotta start somewhere. My first cases weren't anything like this, it's just kind of snowballed on me. Haha.
I had almost forgotten about this... Still subscribed and awaiting further results!

Someday maybe I'll get to work with CF... Would likely be for car parts though instead of a computer case, hehe.
Not sure how your other project is coming, but this one's too good to just stop now! Looks great so far. Updates soon?
Wow, this project had it's thread bumped on another forum just a few days ago. I'll update here with the same info I posted there later tonight. Basically, the project is coming back to life soon, but with a few changes. Most notably a change to ITX.
Wow, this project had it's thread bumped on another forum just a few days ago. I'll update here with the same info I posted there later tonight. Basically, the project is coming back to life soon, but with a few changes. Most notably a change to ITX.
Please please please update this thread (and the one at Bit-Tech or anywhere else) with the pics of the case that made the cover of CPU magazine. That M- ATX version is absolutely one of the most amazing scratch built cases I've ever seen produced. I look forward to the Mini-ITX variation. :cool:

I normally don't keep magazines around after I read them, but that one issue I keep around simply for your case design and use it as inspiration for my own designs. This thing needs to be archived on the net. Unless I missed it, I don't think I've seen it updated on your personal page either.
Please please please update this thread (and the one at Bit-Tech or anywhere else) with the pics of the case that made the cover of CPU magazine. That M- ATX version is absolutely one of the most amazing scratch built cases I've ever seen produced. I look forward to the Mini-ITX variation. :cool:

I normally don't keep magazines around after I read them, but that one issue I keep around simply for your case design and use it as inspiration for my own designs. This thing needs to be archived on the net. Unless I missed it, I don't think I've seen it updated on your personal page either.

Thanks man, I appreciate the compliments. You are referring to the MPD-01 project. It was the Intel LANfest 2013 overall mod winner. I was absolutely blown away by the honor. I know there were some great mods at a lot of the events throughout the year, and MPD was deemed worthy enough to come out on top. It's still my personal favorite, and has been my daily rig for almost 2 years now. Never before have I been so satisfied with one of my projects. Normally I find little things to nitpick, and that ultimately leads to planning a new mod shortly after. In this case I'm still pretty happy, but want to get new hardware, so it's a good excuse to start modding again. Haha.

So, here is the MPD-01 project. I'll put a few pictures up, but the actual worklog I was saving for's launch. I moved the majority of Losias over there, but have been struggling to get it back up. Anyone know Joomla? I've got a great dev, but he's been busy with real world commitments. Anyway, enough rambling...

So yeah, it has been a while since OSIDIAS got some attention. It’s funny how time gets away from you. As I mentioned above, I finished another scratchbuild about 2 years ago. I've also got a side business, that has been keeping me very busy as well. I also managed to finish another Android tablet install in my Grand Cherokee.


That’s all well and good you say, but what about OSIDIAS? Well, it’s a bit of a bad news/good news scenario. When I first started planning the original concept, everything I wanted made sense at the time. It was very ambitious, and some of the concepts I had in mind were pretty original or rare. As time went on, there are certain aspects of the original vision that could be achieved more easily via other methods. An Android tablet (as on the finished MPD-01) made more sense than the Viliv on Osidias. I’m now running a dedicated home server instead of needing the file server in the case itself. With the advent of some killer GPU’s, SLI wasn’t a huge priority any longer. So, a lot of the original aspects of OSIDIAS seemed a little excessive. Now, anyone that has followed my previous mods knows that I don’t shy away from complication, but it has to serve a practical purpose in my mind. Complication for complications sake just isn’t a road I want to head down. I’ll over-engineer anything if it suits my end goal. That said, I came to the realization that OSIDIAS as originally designed didn’t align with my new priorities. I thought long and hard about what to do, and ultimately decided not to continue the project in its current state. Bummer, right? Well…

There were a lot of things I learned during the MPD-01 project that really helped me understand what I could live with, and what I could live without. As of now, even mATX is too big for me. It’s all about ITX. It’s all about portability and durability. Although the original design was very compact for the amount of hardware it contained, it needed to be smaller yet. A lot of the design styling I was still very fond of, so I decided to forge ahead with a 2.0 design that better fit my needs. It will retain the OSIDIAS name, and yes, it will still be all carbon fiber. It will also use the removable core design of the original project, as well as MPD.

Below is an unfinished pic of the direction I’m headed. It’s evolved a little since this, but it’s still pretty close.


I've been really trying to find a way to justify a lot of the shiny Aqua Computer gear I bought for the first revision. The Aquaero was one of the components I was hoping on keeping. However, it seems that due to the new simplicity of the internals, it's likely complete overkill. A grand total of 2 fans hardly seems Aquaero-worthy. Sure, I could still use the flowmeter and pump controller, but I'm not sure it's worth it. What I do know, is it seems I can't build a mod without a LCD screen in the front. The new revision is no different. I'm aiming for a 7" screen, and while the Viliv I bought years ago was cool for it's time, now it's all about the Raspberry Pi. As such, I've been toying with the idea of adding one. Or maybe I'll go the NUC, or even back to a pico-itx for the second system. It's evolving daily as I work through ideas.

So, there you go. I know it’s been a while, but I will be back. Modding is still in my blood, although I’ve not been around much. I would say that I’ve been lurking in the shadows, but even that’s not accurate. I’ve been doing my own thing, away from the influence of others. It’s been refreshing to get design perspective from other places, as I think I got mod overloaded for a while. I’ll be better about checking in now… :D
So, I just happened to be browsing the front page of my favorite hardware site, and what did I see? Thanks for the mention Steve!