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  1. S

    FCC Tells Court It Has No "Legal Authority" to Impose Net Neutrality Rules

    Most of the same people and companies bitching about the removal of Net Neutrality were the ones a few years back bitching about the implementation of Net neutrality. Sorry to rain on your foamers parade, but the rules werent really enforced anyway. Now you get to have the states come up with...
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    Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Manifesto Goes “Internally Viral”

    I think as a whole, if you had read the entire 10 pages you would have realized that he is basing the opinions has has listed, which he asserts may not be correct and that he may be experiencing confirmation bias, on the simple belief that hiring someone based on their sex, race, etc. etc.. is...
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    VR Devs Pull Support For Oculus Rift Until Palmer Luckey Steps Down

    ROFL... As Americans, this story even being published, is nothing but a blatant Pro Hillary hit piece. It doesnt matter if you support Trump Clinton Hitler or fucking Gandhi. Its your right to do so, but to attempt to punish someone financially for their views, is about as anti-consitutional as...
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    Apple Says $14B Tax Bill Is 'Total Political Crap'

    Here is the issue. They made a deal with Ireland, that deal becomes null and void according to the EU, who are run by a bunch of complete and utter tyrants who are NOT elected in the upper echelons of the EU by anyone in ireland or any other country within the EU. When you, as joe citizen...
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    Crazy Pokemon Go Stories of the Week

    Yea pretty much... now wait for it to be used for an attack when they get a bunch of morons all grouped up together..
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    Federal Judge Tosses Evidence Obtained Via Stingray

    People do not understand how most technology works. In this case, while interpreting the precedent of the third party doctrine, it was a win for all of us. There used to be rules in place, that were strictly enforced i might add, by Judges who did not take shit from any entity requesting a...
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    What Kind Of Fireworks Are Legal In Your State

    My childhood in ny was based on everyone going to PA and NJ and buying carloads of fireworks to set off at a private camp.. of course it also involved mini-14's and just about any other firearms known to man... with a good weekend of drinking fishing shooting blowing shit up and have a grand...
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    Google's Diversity Efforts Show Scant Progress

    They do. Every single day they do. A companies stock price will take a hit with any negative publicity, whether its a sexual harrasement suit, anti gay, anti black asian etc. etc.. But within 2 weeks, no one cares, the company is continuing to be profitable, and the stock fixes itself...
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    Best Anti-Piracy PSA Ever

    It will have no impact. Joe public is stupid, its true, but joe public also knows that most pirated stuff is not something anyone was going to pay to see anyway. I have seen a ton of pirated material over the years, and with the exception of like Black Hawk Down or Slayer albums, i just wouldnt...
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    Corsair Lapdog - Gaming without a Desk @ [H]

    I use a recliner as well. Keyboard on the left arm, mouse on the right, legs elevated....its great. I have a bad back so its nice for me, but i had been using an old wooden chair prior to the recliner and back problems with huge flip up wooden arms. Like an old school desk of sorts without the...
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    US Customs Wants To Collect Social Media Account Names At The Border

    If you are dumb enough to tell people all about yourself on the internet, you are dumb enough to tell them at border control. Now shut up..Slaves!
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    Google Faces Record-Breaking Fine Over Unfair Search

    Ahh, i misread it then. As for the android one, no, that one is nothing but horse shit. They are damned if they do, damned if they dont in that case. This one seems assinine to me as well. Its a business, if people pay you to promote their products, they should always get preferential product...
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    Anyone Getting Their DOOM On?

    Played it for a couple hours, i like it. Since im a metal head the music when the zombies are out is a nice touch i enjoy. But i havent even messed with the configuration at all. It looks super nice, and i want to wait till i get my 32 inch monitor next week to fully tweak it. Surprisingly i...
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    Tesla Exploiting Cheap Labor To Make Its Factories?

    Apparently so, if you have diplomatic immunity. There is a catch for everything. Wanna buy a bridge in the Ukraine?
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    Crazy Kickstarter of the Day

    But that takes the fun out of scaring your daughters dates. I always liked to carry my pistol on my belt when i first meet her dates or drive them to the mall. It says, look, i have a gun, you have a penis, if your penis leaves your pants, my gun leaves my holster, have a nice time and be home...
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    People Spend Twice As Much Time Watching Netflix As Socializing

    I think they are forgetting one important fact. Most people dont particularly care for most other people, and dont give two shits about socializing with them. But why people use netflix so much is beyond me, when there are other services out there that have a library 100 times as large as...
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    Woman Following GPS Ends Up In Lake

    This is kinda funny. Most GPS programs dont work worth a damn, others work fairly well, but none are perfect. Try using it to navigate around NYC. Half the time it sends you up one way roads, but if you arent an idiot, you can simply pull over and zoom out to find your way around to go where you...
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    Google Faces Record-Breaking Fine Over Unfair Search

    Horse shit. The problem here is, they, Google, are requiring all the phone makers to meet certain specifications so ALL the apps work correctly as they have advertised on Android OS'. The EU is punishing them for that, just like they would similarly punish them if the apps did NOT work as...
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    Why I Don't Have The Stomach For 'Battlefield 1'

    What do you think WWI ended up being for the germans? It was their vietnam... The germans could have won WW I on multiple occaisons... but due to the popular support of the people and the new recruits in particular, they were fed up, refused to fight, or just literally went AWOL... on other...
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    Movie Studios Want to Copy Megaupload’s Servers

    My problem is, how has this gotten this far? It should have simply been dismissed years ago... They (new zealand) illegally used the security services to spy on a citizen, something prohibited by law...thus making the entire operation illegal in terms of evidence and arrest...Oh wait... kind of...
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    Company Tears Down Wrong Home, Blames Google Maps

    I'd love a mistake like this... my mortgage gets paid off, i get a new home which should be pretty much free and clear and all of its contents, and honestly, its a great story to tell people for years! Unfortunately most of the stories all of us usually end up having involve something like...
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    Man Arrested For Not Returning VHS Rental In 2002

    I used to find military history books in the Library system that were collectibles... take them out, say i lost them, pay the cover price which was pennys on the dollar of the collectible value for a used book, and add them to my collection...but I never just kept them and didnt pay for
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    A Deer In GTA V Causing Chaos In The Game World

    "What in the fucking world is that?" "Im gonna put you the fuck out the game!" ROFL... funny...
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    Daylight Saving Time Is Hot Garbage

    Spring gives you 8 hours of pay for working 7.... fall gives you 8 hours of pay for working 9.... so you only work the overtime on midnites in the
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    Apple: 'Founders Would Be Appalled'

    It is my understanding that you can already circumvent the iPhone's security features, now whether that rumor is true or not, i honestly do not know, but that is under the umbrella of the NSA and MI6 that that rumor has circulated. The crack/backdoor/brute force attack that comes out of this is...
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    You Have No Right To Sue Your Phone Company

    The unfortunate thing with all of this is, Ignorance Of The Law is no excuse.... and yet it would take you multiple lifetimes to understand the law to the extent that phrase makes any sense legally.... I would personally love to see a study done, as unbiased as possible, that took the...
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    President Addresses Tech Industry And Discusses Encryption At SXSW

    I remember going to the NASCAR race in Dover Delaware on Sept 16 2001.... they refused to allow us to bring in ICE CUBES to the track for fear someone would blow us up with some type of frozen liquid explosive...Personally we just went down to one of the ice cube fridges the refreshment stands...
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    Xbox, PC Gamers Will Be Able Play Online With Other Platforms

    It might end up well on something like Need for Speed...or say plants vs zombies... or side scrollers maybe... but even with MMO's...or RPG's... the ease of use to click buttons is still going to give an advantage to PC players...I never played dark souls so i have no idea how it plays, but im...
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    Xbox, PC Gamers Will Be Able Play Online With Other Platforms

    The problem is, they already tried this years ago with the xbox and PC on windows live. They had the best console players for unreal tournament and gears of war.... and they got absolutely destroyed by so so PC players.. according to the article below.. Heres the story: Did Microsoft kill Xbox...
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    Daylight Saving Time Is Hot Garbage

    Best day to work overtime of the year though! 7 hours instead of 8, but get the full 8! WOOT! Well if you work 11-7am
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    Girl Quits Being A 'Boobie Streamer'

    Chicks playing videogames...broads playing videogames... those ive heard... boobie or titty streamers... no...then again, Balloon Porn.... so nothing is shocking anymore...
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    Bill Gates Skipped All His Classes But Got A's Anyway

    Right place right time... then things get changed... Rockefeller was a big example of this... what he did will most likely never happen again just because of all the laws in place now...he ran roughshod over just about anything you could possibly imagine to become what he became.... decades...
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    Bill Gates Skipped All His Classes But Got A's Anyway

    Everything is easy, if you do it long trained for college by going to high school.. you trained for high school by going to middle school.... you trained for middle school by going to grade school... and you trained for grade school by your parents... and prior to that, you just...
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    President Addresses Tech Industry And Discusses Encryption At SXSW

    For a president to actually say back in 2007 "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution." and then do this type of crap... well.. he's an Asshole....and a liar...
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    Would You Pay $50 to Watch New Movies at Home?

    $50? You are insane to pay that to see a movie..then again, i see like 3 movies a year in the theatres and just watch bootlegs for to each their own...
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    Girl Quits Being A 'Boobie Streamer'

    Never heard that term either until today... but then i dont watch people playing videogames, i actually play
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    The Natural Outcome Of The Encryption Wars In The U.S.

    My whole family is law enforcement of some kind or another, including myself. No one loves privacy more than law enforcement, especially now... but too many of them put the hats and uniforms on and feel they have a need to know things they dont want anyone else to know when their hat is off...
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    The Natural Outcome Of The Encryption Wars In The U.S.

    He cant watch? But you have nothing to hide. Open your curtains... put the toilet on your front porch...spank it in the street while watching balloon porn! You got nothing to hide! let him look... he may learn
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    The Natural Outcome Of The Encryption Wars In The U.S.

    The problem with everyone talking about how they have nothing to hide is... yes.. we all do. Otherwise starting listing your sexual preferences, dont wear clothes at all, videotape yourself 24/7, including taking a dump and spankin the monkey, stop talking to your friends about someone and just...