Opteron? More like OpterOWN.

Rumor (once gain, *rumor*) has it that the next shipment of Ops from AMD are gonna be lower quality...anyone have anything to back this up? I'll be pretty fuckin' pissed if AMD pulls some shit after seeing how in demand these chips are.
Cannibal Corpse said:
I was going to buy a 4000+ for my upcoming gaming rig. Do you recommend getting this CPU instead? With the saved money I can get a GTX instead of GT or get better DDR1 (like Ballistix instead of "value")

What do you recommend please. Also do I need extensive knowledge of OC'ing? I have never done OC on AMD (only Celeron 300A!)


With the 4000+ do youi plan on going crazy with the overclock? i mean the 144/146 can do 2.4 ghz EASY. Problem is finding one. Heck if you want I can sell you my 3700 and you can OC it to 4000+ specs it's only 200mhz. No biggie for 200mhz more.

As for the Vid/Mem someone else might wanna step in and suggest. I dont want to turn this into a flame war :p
you cant always get more than wat u pay for.....u usually get wat u pay for :)
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
Rumor (once gain, *rumor*) has it that the next shipment of Ops from AMD are gonna be lower quality...anyone have anything to back this up? I'll be pretty fuckin' pissed if AMD pulls some shit after seeing how in demand these chips are.
Any changes in production would have been done long before we saw these chips in action. The chip I have is like a week 30, which is around mid July production.
AMD comes out with a chip better than their 3k+ at a very agressive price. Then their dual core Opti, 165, is so much more expenive than their x2 3800 as it's actually in the price range of the x2 4200. I'm a tad baffled at the strategy. :confused:

How does their lower end Opti dual fare vs the x2's anyone know?

They also seem rare like their 140 brethren.
How does their lower end Opti dual fare vs the x2's anyone know?
That is a question of power vs. speed. You can't fairly compare them. It depends on what you are doing.

By the way, Monarch computers say they have the 146s and 148s in stock! These are killer prices for what they are though.
the ones at monarch are s940's, not s939, unless they got the 939's in stock recently. check the product codes to make sure.
robberbaron said:
Any changes in production would have been done long before we saw these chips in action. The chip I have is like a week 30, which is around mid July production.

Ohhh, see, now this I didn't relise. My bad. :D
yes the cabge are week 36, also produced long ago.....the real question is whether AMD released the good cores first to get hype going.......but I would not push nor believe a conspiracy theory like that.
Socrilles17 said:
yes the cabge are week 36, also produced long ago.....the real question is whether AMD released the good cores first to get hype going.......but I would not push nor believe a conspiracy theory like that.

They're being sold in such a low volume (what, 40 people have these?) that it wouldn't be worth their time.
Careful robberbaron, there are a lot more than like 40 people that have these, and although I have no clue what the actual number is, it seems silly for you to throw out numbers you can't justify, I'm pretty sure in the US alone greater than 40 people have these, and there are stores that have had them in stock in Europe and Japan......and I would think that the number of people that have them over there exceeds 100 easily however I can't say for sure, I can say for sure that the number is greater then 40, Vandi sent out at least 25 the other day alone, and before that he had sent out a few (I belieeve that is how you got yours).
Socrilles17 said:
Careful robberbaron, there are a lot more than like 40 people that have these, and although I have no clue what the actual number is, it seems silly for you to throw out numbers you can't justify, I'm pretty sure in the US alone greater than 40 people have these, and there are stores that have had them in stock in Europe and Japan......and I would think that the number of people that have them over there exceeds 100 easily however I can't say for sure, I can say for sure that the number is greater then 40, Vandi sent out at least 25 the other day alone, and before that he had sent out a few (I belieeve that is how you got yours).

Im pretty sure he meant in the US. Either way, your not talking about a great volume of chips.
hmmm, interesting... (i thought we were supposed to be gettin back on OP topic? though i think a comprehensive talk about the opterowns is good and on topic anyway) with the thoughts about how many folks have these, but remember we are still talking about chips that are relatively rare you know.

and after seeign a lot A LOT of folks freak out in this thread, please let us remember that these chips arent meant for consumer retail, the mere fact we can find them even on these, what i would call "non regualr e-tailers" should be good enough to make you happy that you can purchase these chips if you wanted to, provided they were in stock and all.

then all this other talk about blah blah why they make them like this... blah blah why they bin it like that... blah blah im not gonna buy a venice... blah blah...

come on folks. get real. amd's opteron (industrial?) business is a completely different kettle of fish from their ahtlon (retail?) business. the lines arent supposed to be blurred and its just cuz we are enthusiasts here on the hardforums etc that we can have the knowledge about such things as "crossover" potential chips.

and i mean since im not replying to any one statement i could go on with random thoughts and paragraphs for a while, but all im saying is, all you folks who just randomly came upon this thread AND WORST - who never oc'ed anything before, why even worry about this chip? go buy yourself a san diego or venice, have fun, OC to your wildest dreams, cuz im sure any of those easily available athlon chips (at the egg, monarch, clubit, etc etc etc) will more than make you happy. dont come round here screaming about availability of opeterons you were never supposed to know about, and DEFINATELY dont plan your whole system around a chip thats supposed to be powering the data center and storage servers of corporations around the place.

anyhoo im gonna stop typing now as my statements are losing coherence.... im off!
el rolio said:
please let us remember that these chips arent meant for consumer retail

If that would be true, why would AMD even list a SRP? These chips arent meant for just corporate or OEM.
el rolio said:
and after seeign a lot A LOT of folks freak out in this thread, please let us remember that these chips arent meant for consumer retail, the mere fact we can find them even on these, what i would call "non regualr e-tailers" should be good enough to make you happy that you can purchase these chips if you wanted to, provided they were in stock and all.
While they aren't meant to be consumer chips (meant for servers and workstations), opterons have been used in home systems since they were first released. More expensive true, but as long as you have the cash, they do make better/more stable systems.
I am calling all the warehouses in town and seeing if they have em.

Hopefully i can get lucky.
Socrilles17 said:
Careful robberbaron, there are a lot more than like 40 people that have these, and although I have no clue what the actual number is, it seems silly for you to throw out numbers you can't justify, I'm pretty sure in the US alone greater than 40 people have these, and there are stores that have had them in stock in Europe and Japan......and I would think that the number of people that have them over there exceeds 100 easily however I can't say for sure, I can say for sure that the number is greater then 40, Vandi sent out at least 25 the other day alone, and before that he had sent out a few (I belieeve that is how you got yours).

I know there are more than 40, I was using that as a way to emphasize that there are too few of these to count for anything.
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
Rumor (once gain, *rumor*) has it that the next shipment of Ops from AMD are gonna be lower quality...anyone have anything to back this up? I'll be pretty fuckin' pissed if AMD pulls some shit after seeing how in demand these chips are.

They won't be lower quality. They will be subject to the same testing that all other Opteron CPUs are subject to. The fact of the matter, once the market settles, you can but a 1MB L2 S939 CPU with just as much if not better OC potential than a Venice for $125.
Eclipse, robberbaron,

When you OCed your Opertons on air, which heatsinks/fans did you use?
Considering that they will get pretty hot, would it be advisable to get a Ninja and two low rpm push-pull fans with it? I can imagine that running them on a SI-120 would require very high fan rpms = mucho noise.

Edit: Just saw that eclipse pushed the 144 to 2.7Ghz (1.55v) on stock HSF. Is the 3071.79 MHz screenshot also with stock HSF?

Robberbaron, what HSF did you use?
Robberbaron used the XP-90C (not sure what fan) on his, and Eclipse (while on air) just used the stock heatsink, slightly lapped since it turned out to be uneven as all Hell. Then, he threw it on water (all of his recent benchmarks and his 3.3GHz CPU-Z shot were all on chilled water via some air conditioning rigging).
Wow, 3Ghz on an XP-90C is quite impressive, to me anyway.
Since the SI-120 seems to fits boards better and achieves pretty much the same cooling as the XP-90C, the SI-120 would probably not be a bad choice. SI-120 ducted so it sucks in air from outside the case, hmm ..., would probably need two 120mm fans to do that, one where the duct meets the case, and one directly on the SI-120.
Thuleman said:
Wow, 3Ghz on an XP-90C is quite impressive, to me anyway.
Since the SI-120 seems to fits boards better and achieves pretty much the same cooling as the XP-90C, the SI-120 would probably not be a bad choice. SI-120 ducted so it sucks in air from outside the case, hmm ..., would probably need two 120mm fans to do that, one where the duct meets the case, and one directly on the SI-120.

The SI-120 would be a fine choice. I have a Sanyo Denki atop mine cooling my Opty 148 which is running at 2.816 at only 1.36 volts. 34-ish idle 44-ish load--22.7 ambient.
bad news. seems that the memory controller tops out at 206mhz with 4 sticks in on my 144 :rolleyes:
Socrilles17 said:
yes the cabge are week 36, also produced long ago.....the real question is whether AMD released the good cores first to get hype going.......but I would not push nor believe a conspiracy theory like that.

I really, really doubt that. I think a lot of people read too much into it.. Maybe they just had a good production week. AMD isn't making a huge margin on the 'cheap' Opterons, so why hype them!?
got mine!



sorry for bad pic quality the phone is only 2megapix... will grab the big boy camera when im less busy and after lunch time
el rolio said:
got mine!



sorry for bad pic quality the phone is only 2megapix... will grab the big boy camera when im less busy and after lunch time

Mmmmm, CABNE. Where did you purchase yours? How long was the wait? Be sure to post the results, as I am curious as to how well this CPU works on the neo2 :).
(cf)Eclipse said:
bad news. seems that the memory controller tops out at 206mhz with 4 sticks in on my 144 :rolleyes:

[/slap] Useing 4 stick....tis, tis, tis [ouch]