Silverstone ST45SF SFX 450w PSU

I'm thinking they probably will bring it back though. Seeing how fast it was sold out but might take couple of months? Who knows.
maybe discontinued for Newegg but it's not for sure but Amazon, it was listed as ships usually in 3-6 weeks which basically means most likely they'll never ship. That's what it said last week when I bought it from Newegg instead. Today, Amazon doesn't even list St45SF. Maybe Tony from SS can let us know what's going on?
Yeah, I'm pretty sore now that it's out of stock / discontinued from Amazon/Newegg. I've been waiting for this damn thing for months, then it gets released when I'm at work. Not more than 8 hours later, it's gone from everywhere.

Got a reply from the US stockist. They said "We have one unit left, but we'd like to reserve it for a US customer. Sorry" ... Whyyyy! :mad:

Hey Yoy0YO, did Amazon say it would post to NZ? I tried to order one and it said shipping not available to Oz. If they can post to NZ they can sure as hell post to Australia!

I personally don't see why they wouldn't post to certain places. I've ordered larger/heavier things from Amazon before.
The ST45SF is not discontinued, it is just out of stock in the US now. The next production run will ship out before the end of this month and reach the US probably by the second week of June. Sorry for the wait guys!
I wonder if you could mod+cram an ST45SF into the roofspace of a Silverstone SG03? That would let the cpu breath much better and allow for tall coolers and a big rear exhaust fan!

Basically my custom setup has to be parted out due to the fact the only PSU on the planet that could work for it, ran only for a thousand units or so from the factory.

Might as well ditch the sg05/06 and get the Sg07, seeing how that should be out before we see the ST45SF again.
Oh I understand that, it's distribution to re-sellers that might take a while. Remember, it took weeks for it just tog et out of china!

Not to mention the fact that they will sell out in a week again too.

I'm salty over having to re-build a rig because the PSU was harder to find than Elvis.
Totally understandable. Maybe Silverstone realized that more people want this PSU and built more of them then last time, hint hint.
Do you think it's possible to overclock an i5-750 up to 3.6 GHz (with turbo) with the ST45SF. I did a research but I'm still unsure. Here's what I found out:
* The i5-750 can reach 3.6 GHz without a voltage increase.
* Required bus speed - about 175 MHz.
* DFI's safety regulation for overclocking the MI P55-T36 state that the TDP should be below 110W and BCLK - up to 180 (which is within boundaries).

The system I intend to use is:
Case: SG06
MB: MI P55-T36
CPU: i5-750
GPU: GTX 470
RAM: 2x2GB @ 1330

What do you think?
201W - Core i7 860 OC'd to 3.6Ghz + mobo + HDD
210W - GTX 470 at full load
411W Full CPU and GPU load.

The Core i7 860 is virtually the same as the Core i5 750 with the exception of HT support and slightly higher clock speed. Both are moot considering that HT doesn't add extra power and that both CPUs will be OC'd to 3.6Ghz.

A majority of PC parts today draw power from the +12V rail, Considering that the ST45SF only has 36A or 436W avaialble on the +12V rail, it's doable but you would be pushing the PSU rather harshly.
Do you think it's possible to overclock an i5-750 up to 3.6 GHz (with turbo) with the ST45SF. I did a research but I'm still unsure. Here's what I found out:
* The i5-750 can reach 3.6 GHz without a voltage increase.
* Required bus speed - about 175 MHz.
* DFI's safety regulation for overclocking the MI P55-T36 state that the TDP should be below 110W and BCLK - up to 180 (which is within boundaries).

The system I intend to use is:
Case: SG06
MB: MI P55-T36
CPU: i5-750
GPU: GTX 470
RAM: 2x2GB @ 1330

What do you think?

You should be fine, I got mine running at 150bclk at 1.1v on the 300w SG05, if your chip is good and your RAM is good (no way to setup dividers on the DFI bios that I could find, mem speed is tied to BCLK)
Aren't you forgetting something? 201W for CPU+mobo+HDD doesn't strike you as odd? Their testbed includes a 5870 that's why. Your 411W total number is overshooting by at least 50W.

Actually you are right that I forgot about the video card. However the HD 5870 only uses 15W on a typical Windows 7 desktop according to this review.

So I only overshot by 15W, not 50W. Like I said, it's doable but still pushing the PSU a bit. Can't be good for the PSU in the long run,
Actually you are right that I forgot about the video card. However the HD 5870 only uses 15W on a typical Windows 7 desktop according to this review.

So I only overshot by 15W, not 50W. Like I said, it's doable but still pushing the PSU a bit. Can't be good for the PSU in the long run,

Listen I am not trying to argue but do you honestly believe that a Core i7 860 (3.6GHz) + mobo + memory + HDD draws 185W DC? I say no way. Anyway that's a moot point because all those numbers represent absolute maximum power (ie Furmark + Prime95) and even the most demanding games come nowhere near those numbers. SO if you are going to run ORTHOS + Furmark 24/7 then yeah that's pushing the PSU a (little) bit. If not you are well within its capacity.
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Listen I am not trying to argue but do you honestly believe that a Core i7 860 (3.6GHz) + mobo + memory + HDD draws 185W DC? I say no way. Anyway that's a moot point because all those numbers represent absolute maximum power (ie Furmark + Prime95) and even the most demanding games come nowhere near those numbers. SO if you are going to run ORTHOS + Furmark 24/7 then yeah that's pushing the PSU a (little) bit. If not you are well within its capacity.

From the above reviews that I posted, yes I do honestly believe all of that will draw 185W DC. If you have information showing otherwise using a more accurate method than the ones used in the above Xbit reviews, I'll be glad to read it and update my posts accordingly.

As for the absolute max power load, you're correct. But dunno about you, but I try to plan to for the worst case scenario when it comes to the PSU. Doesn't hurt to do so IMO.

With that said, the GPU review I linked to did show power consumption under Crysis. So at the very least, zliqdedo can make an informed decision.
From the above reviews that I posted, yes I do honestly believe all of that will draw 185W DC. If you have information showing otherwise using a more accurate method than the ones used in the above Xbit reviews, I'll be glad to read it and update my posts accordingly.

I am not trying to say that the article is wrong.
Thanks for your comments guys. You've been very helpful. Gaming is the harshest thing I'll be doing with this system. Anyway, I could OC a bit lower (say, at 160) just to be extra safe.

By the way, what do you think about overclocking the GPU? Is it possible to OC the 470 by 5%-10% in this configuration? Does this increase power consumption?
I am not trying to say that the article is wrong.

I looked at the number: and I came to the obvious conclusion that I was wrong. I never realised (never wanted to believe) how much additional power the increase in clock speed (2.8->3.6) would require. On top of it Asus boards are rarely known for their power efficiency.

Anyway to go back to matters at hand I'm guessing that when you are in the steep part of the power/frequency chart you are getting dangerously close to the limits of the DFI board. It was never meant to output that much current in the first place...
I looked at the number: and I came to the obvious conclusion that I was wrong. I never realised (never wanted to believe) how much additional power the increase in clock speed (2.8->3.6) would require. On top of it Asus boards are rarely known for their power efficiency.

Yeah it was surprising to me as well just how much power usage increased as a result of overclocking.
Even if power consumption is 185W, it's still doable, I think. 185W (CPU + MB, etc) + 210W (GPU) = 395W which is reasonably below 436W, right?
Even if power consumption is 185W, it's still doable, I think. 185W (CPU + MB, etc) + 210W (GPU) = 395W which is reasonably below 436W, right?

It's not the PSU who will be the problem: as said, unless you run Furmark+IBT 24/7, you will be WELL within its capacity. You gotta be careful with the mobo, that's all.
Mine arrived today. very happy with it... now to resleeve the waranty out of it!
Mine arrived today. very happy with it... now to resleeve the waranty out of it!
You should trim the cables as well....they are just as long as the original which is frustrating because you never need that much slack...and if one of you actually do then screw you because you ruined it for the rest of us :p
I know that the 300W in the SG06 is capable of running my overclocked (but undervolted) i5-750, along with my MSI 5870 lighting :eek:.

But it's also undervolted to 1v, and downclocked :D
This videocard instalation needs to be photograped, and posted into the sg 05/06 tread!!! asap
Even if it works...shouldn't be good for the PSU.

Of course my measurements were taken with a kill-a-watt, but my i5 [email protected] 3.5Ghz and a GTS250 are drawing 303w during furmark+prime

Sure thats not a real usage scenario, but even gaming it's drawing 240w.

It will work, no matter the GPU you use, the question is wether it will last or not.
Even if it works...shouldn't be good for the PSU.

Of course my measurements were taken with a kill-a-watt, but my i5 [email protected] 3.5Ghz and a GTS250 are drawing 303w during furmark+prime

Sure thats not a real usage scenario, but even gaming it's drawing 240w.

It will work, no matter the GPU you use, the question is wether it will last or not.

I think the biggest thing to consider is if you can underclock the vid card or not.

Underclocking my 5870 generated CONSIDERABLY less heat. I wish I had a kill-a-watt to check ;S
Underclocking my 5870 generated CONSIDERABLY less heat. I wish I had a kill-a-watt to check

It would be rally interesting to hear ur numbers. But an I5 750, that run @ 1,0V probably saves 15W or more down from 1,1V, and way more down from stock. and thats pure and precious amps from the 12V rail. and as u say undervolting gpu allso saves 12V.

Xbit labs probably has the best gpu measurements out there, and according to them the 5870 uses 170W gaming. furemark is just totaly out there when it comes to powerdraw :)

i saved 25W with undervolting my E8600 from 1,22V to 1.1V and thats only a dual core

Ok I did a test tonight.

1 hour gaming sessions (roughly 1-2 SC2 games) - Max temp 83 (stock clocks) for 5870


Max temp = 64*C :eek:

Anybody wanna workout the Watt difference just by the -ve in temps? lol.
I'm wondering if I should keep this PSU for my system, I bought it kinda hoping it would be a bit quieter/cooler than the 300W PSU and maybe improve stability when overclocking. It hasn't really made much of a noticeable difference to be honest.

Do I really need a 450 Watt PSU to keep my system running smoothly for years to come?

Spec's in sig
It will make it safer yes, it's not a high availability product either so if yours dies it will take time for you to get another PSU. It will also allow you to upgrade you GPU in the future, should power a GTX470.

I will get one and even then store the 300w on just in case.
Yea, I just jumped on it as soon as I saw it was in stock, thinking it would sell out in a few days just like it did in the US. It would suck to realise that I needed it when it's not in stock any more.

I'm pretty confident that I'd be able to buy another one if I ever needed it, besides I reckon I will end up back in M-ATX land soon anyways. I can't take the lack of choice with M-ITX :(
Are these still going to ship to US? Tony from Silverstone said they should be here by second week of June but I'm not seeing any retailers with them in stock...
eta as stated on sundialmicro got pushed to the end of

no idea whats up with silverstone....