Recent content by yagisencho

  1. Y

    Google’s Schmidt Says Motorola Deal Won’t ‘Screw Up’ Android

    Won't play favorites " the way people are concerned about." Okay then. Care to explain how Google will play favorites?
  2. Y

    Gordon Freeman Joins The Renegade Ops

    Looks like old school stupid fun. Sign me up.
  3. Y

    Flying Sphere Drone of Death

    Don't be fooled - it's a man-hack prototype!
  4. Y

    Apple Technology Stops iPhones From Filming Live Events

    I'd be more concerned with police use of this technology.
  5. Y

    DoA: Violates Child Pornography Laws

    Surely the DoA girls are older than that by now. But they don't look like they've aged a day since 1996. ;)
  6. Y

    Most Fragmented Hard Drive EVER!

    Was thinking the same thing. There really is such a thing as too much pr0n. ;)
  7. Y

    AT&T to Buy T-Mobile

    I felt a great disturbance in the cellular network, as if millions of T-Mobile subscribers suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. (Insert AT&T Deathstar image here.)
  8. Y

    Inside Google's Self-Driving Car

    My thoughts exactly. Neat tech demo, but foolishly done.
  9. Y

    Dead Island: Official Announcement Trailer

    Despite being a rip-off of a Modest Mouse music video, I found it to be quite effective. Still, I think I might be zombied out.
  10. Y

    Expert Blames Video Games For A Rise In Sexual Violence

    Ah, pop psychology at its audience-pandering worst. Thanks, Dr. Carole!
  11. Y

    Social Networking Sites Are a 'Modern Form of Madness'

    I think social networking sites are a convenient way to maintain ties with people I'd otherwise A) fall out of contact with or B) don't especially want to see in person all that often. For those people who I can and/or want to see on a regular basis, the sites aren't essential.
  12. Y

    Worst "Blame Video Games" Headline of the Day

    I can pretty much guarantee that mental health issues are the root cause here. Poor kids will need therapy for life.
  13. Y

    Game Sales Shrunk, But Xbox Set Records in 2010

    Guh. Why do they remain so hung up on retail sales for PC when the vast majority of PC game sales are digital? What do you mean, too? NDP is rapidly losing relevency. They'd better update their business model or prepare to close shop.
  14. Y

    The PSP2 Is As Powerful As A PS3

    Unless they can port games straight over, I doubt most developers will bother investing in the creation of triple-A titles specifically for the PSP2. Could be a profitable platform for some devs though if they go the digital-only route. We shall see.
  15. Y

    Man Loses $20M After Taking Laptop for Repair

    This reinforces the importance of being able to perform your own PC maintenance. =)