Search results

  1. E

    Why Linux on the Desktop Isn't Dead

    I laugh at all the Windows users saying that Windows is ready to go "out of the box." I dare you to run a Windows machine out of the box for a day and not get hit with a virus. Just because the nature of viruses has changed over the years, from outright vandalism or unstoppable popups, to code...
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    Americans Are Glued To The Couch

    10 hours a week in front of a screen is nothing. Even if you don't contribute to the information economy or serve as a secretary or the like, people do check their friggin' emails and read news. That's an hour at the least, 7 days a week is 7 hours a week. Add a single movie and a single TV show...
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    Galaxy GeForce GT 240 Video Card Review @ [H]

    So nVidia decided to make an HTPC card, not a gaming card. Why would someone buy this card over the other cards? 3 reasons: 1) It's short so it fits in smaller cases 2) It uses less power 3) HDMI with audio The short part makes sure you can cram it into a case that can fit on a shelf, not a...
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    Stop the x86 Instruction Set War

    Man this guy sounds second-rate... Oh don't get me wrong - what he says is very technically sound and true. But how does he intend for it to happen? That the government will go ahead and tell Intel and AMD to play nice? Intel will go through with this stuff naturally when it needs to in order...
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    Tesla Preparing to Go Public?

    I want in!! As soon as they get their affordable mass-market $20k after tax credit car out their stock will EXPLODE.
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    Galaxy - 8 Weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 3

    blargh i neeed
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    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 2

    my 8800 ultra broke... again... can't afford a new card. pretty please?
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    Following A Clock on Twitter?

    I thought all of these grandfather clocks had a half-hour bong in them? /incomplete BONG
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    Piracy Means No Money To Make Movies

    Wait wait wait: You make a movie, and the movie is either good or bad. If bad: You spent $150 million to make the movie and gross $30 million world wide. Your executives skim off $1 million a person from the gross to buy their daughters new cars to replace the ones they crashed, and to...
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    Newegg IPO

    Considering how many of us buy from them, this sounds like a pretty [H]ot deal!! Definitely want in on this!
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    Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies

    (arrgh can't edit) I mean, the tech's pretty cool and it's very much worthwhile of being in the military but you absolutely cannot allow this technology to be fit on a robot with any kind of weaponry or anything that can be used as a weapon. In other words, "a transport, an ambulance, a...
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    Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies

    Yep, as soon as the robot gets the "Need food ----> need dead bodies ---> kill people ----> eat dead people for food ---(time passes)---> need food" logic loop either by glitch or intelligent design, we have Skynet on our hands.
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    Ironic Identity Theft of the Day

    Somebody, somewhere is reading this and going "OH SHIT that was me! I ripped off the cops!" and having one hell of a laugh all the way to the bank. I envy the mirth...
  14. E

    Kosher Search Engine Released

    Having been raised Modern Orthodox, all I gotta say is I'm surprised it took them this long. The use of a computer is not forbidden, many Judaica shops in Orthodox neighborhoods carry, for example, electronic versions of religious books on CD's, Hebrew/English word processors...
  15. E

    Thumbprint Required To Trade Used Games

    People don't get arrested for the hell of it (thank god). You get arrested because, at the very least you were doing something that constituted "probable cause" to the police officer to come and see wtf was going on. Put it this way: if you're driving all over the road and the police pull you...
  16. E

    Valve Sues Activision, Activision Threatens to Sue Valve

    Go kick those bastards asses Valve and while you're at it bring home the next Half Life game pretty please :D
  17. E

    Augmented Reality Magic Trick

    Not a hard trick to do - as stated before, a fair number of fake shuffles, full-deck cuts, and the occasional palm (I think I saw?) - what makes this is the augmented reality and the story. If he can ever get anyone else to wear the glasses in real life it'll be one hell of a nice trick for them...
  18. E

    Picture of the Day

    the image needs to be lol-ottered, NOW
  19. E

    Teenage Nude Cell Phone Pics = Child Porn

    Interesting point but ultimately flawed. Public nudity is indecent because it makes people uncomfortable (thus why nudist colonies are legal), TV is technically an art form. Case in point is Michelangeo's David - just because David is nude doesn't mean that the Italians wandered the streets...
  20. E

    Teenage Nude Cell Phone Pics = Child Porn

    Forgot to add (no edit button sucks), but the point about the legal penalty is that it disappears from your record since your record is sealed once you turn 18, so there's no lasting harm when kids are just fooling around / claim ignorance of the law, etc.
  21. E

    Teenage Nude Cell Phone Pics = Child Porn

    The potential legislation is a bit harsh IMO since the point of passing such legislation is not about whether or not a child can consent to himself about his taking photos of himself but rather about punishing the people who pass them along. There was an indy film I saw, forget the name but...
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    IT Department Busts Mayor

    Americans have more stupidity per capita though, apparently.
  23. E

    Lian-Li Interview

    a thousand bucks for a case? They can keep it.
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    LGA 1336 mATX mobos?

    Well I started thinking of 2 non-conventional ideas: 1) Slap the mATX case in one of these: and call it the "personal item" (instead of the requisite purse or laptop bag) that goes alongside the normal carry-on suitcase...
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    LGA 1336 mATX mobos?

    Right now I'm a college student with a 680i SLI mobo and a 8800 Ultra and am starting to look around at the possibility of upgrading, not now obviously - I still love my machine, but maybe a year or a year and half from now. The computer mentioned above is in a Antec 900 case, I bought the...
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    Video Games Feed Male Urge To Conquer

    hey, guys like to shop too.... so long as it's at places like Newegg :)
  27. E

    NVIDIA Shows PhysX Comparison

    The real problem with this one is that Mirror's Edge wasn't built around that much physics dependence for the PhysX to truly shine. If Mirror's Edge with PhysX could have, somehow, approximated what the gravity gun did for Half-Life 2, then there would be more reason for excitement. Basically...
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    White Bread Wrist Rest

    Yeah, just take white bread, put it in a Ziplock bad, and spray a little water in there every day... voila! Same difference.
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    Chrome Getting Extensions?

    the quicker Chrome extensions get out, the better. As soon as stuff like Drag' n' Drop and the Internet Download Manager's extensions come to Chrome I'm dropping Firefox for good.
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    Your Mail in Rebate May Be In Jeopardy

    yeah, what probably happened is that the company was expecting fewer people to fill out rebates since people always forget, but since the current financial crisis people are going to be pretty damn careful to not forget those so go figure that they're going to be running short on cash.
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    GPS Enabled Lingerie

    Forget the lingerie, I'd totally tap that :D
  32. E

    Keyboard Mouse Combo…Literally

    that's so against ergonomics, it's not even funny.
  33. E

    Koolance LGA 1366 Sneak

    yeahhhh... came into this expecting the block to spurt water all over the towel or something. Good music though :)
  34. E

    The Risk of Waiting for Windows 7

    I'm running XP until they no longer make software that can run on it. It's nice and quick now, I get like 200% better gaming performance in XP for some reason over Vista... Vista just plain blows. I ran it for a couple months, gave up and went back to XP. Reinstalled it a couple weeks ago, gave...
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    Big Gaming Week Alert!

    Alright other than all the Steam Weekend Deals that I got... a) World of Goo - fantastic game. Best fun I've had in a good long time, but the multiplayer (if you can even call it that) leaves a bit to be desired. Slightly expensive at $20 (since I consider it to be in that XBLA genre but of...
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    Nehalem Available for Pre-Order at UK

    jellyhead - wheres your LGA1366 socket compatible heatsink? :P
  37. E

    ASUS X58 Mobo Sneak Peek

    damn that looks like it will support one hell of a sweet setup... too bad I don't have money on me for another build now, all I got is a 680i, 8800 Ultra, and Q6600... not that it's bad or anything, but the Antec 900 I got is a PAIN IN THE ASS to work in and something like this with a fresh...
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    Chrome Fades as Users Return to IE, Firefox

    stuck with it, I like the minimalism plus speed plus stability. Only wish is for extensions, then it would be perfect.
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    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    man kyle... forget the sata cables tell us where you got the Intel SSD?!
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    Google Chrome Beta

    can't edit over here and also, I like the Vista-like look it gives me in XP =)