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  1. B

    Google's Maps Go Indoors With New Mobile Feature

    Hell...Google maps still has yet to map my town w/ streetview or even around here of 400 are mapped...but this one..on 2 major highways, 2500 streetview and totally incorrect locations on most businesses. Screw the malls.
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    Linux Voids Netbook Hardware Warranty

    Image/clone drive, install windows, get warranty work done, reimage drive after warranty work is done. I don't see the problem. Sure it's a hassle...but really a couple of hours at most(and even that is pushing it)...less time than was spent on the phone.
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    There Are Too Many Games

    Yep...lot of great games these last few years. I really enjoyed MP in Far Cry 2 until the dedicated servers went bye bye. Civ 5 is great is the total war series. To me though, the bug testing on games is sorely lacking before release. When Empire: Total War came out it was barely...
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    RIAA Lists Best Sites To Steal Music & Movies

    Agreed, with C-32 on it's way through the house, and very few days left before UBB...Canada's truly headed for the toilet. Glad I'm within reach of teksavvy cable. Rogers will start UBB soon enough, however...I habour no delusions on that one.
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    Facebook Only Has 5 Years Left

    M'eh...I can see it. I left facebook a coupla months ago, and I'm not missing anything. In fact, the people who are actually my friends have a great deal more direct contact now that they cannot just post or tag me. I prefer it. Facebook tends to make everything more voyeuristic and...
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    Google Gives Workers $1K Cash Bonus + 10% Raise

    Schweet. Someday soon I may throw my hat in the ring to work for em...if I continue to work for others, that is.
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    Facebook Applies for Ad-Targeting Patent

    M'eh. Not a facebook member any more. They can stuff it, as far as I'm concerned.
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    Gigabyte H55N-USB3 Mini ITX Motherboard

    Built a number of SFF boxes for family using these boards lately. Love 'em. May even build one for myself soon enough...they make a pretty spiffy machine with the silverstone sg07 case.
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    iPhone Losing Market Share to Android

    +1 Love my Droid phone.
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    Ten Best Ways to Screw Up Your Computer

    I felt some brain matter turning to mush reading that. Yeah...down with piracy, cuz you'll get infected!! LOL. Look how well that worked out for prostitution. As far as screwin' 'er up...I got nothing...I've seen it in so many ways, as I'm sure others have.
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    Netflix: Americans Are Somewhat Self-Absorbed

    Stopped reading here. Canada doesn't have a President. Prime Minister. Regardless...some will always find truth in sweeping generalizations, some with see them for what they are. I care little about netflix coming to Canada as our caps on internet use(thanks to greedy ISPs) will hamper...
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    Chrome Is Overtaking Firefox Among Power Users?

    Like others...I dig my noscript. FF...ftw.
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    For The [H]orde GTX 460 September Giveaway Entry Thread

    Will be joining 33 shortly. Just dumped the pirate party of canada's team...being that they had no carrot to chase. I like having goals. More to follow shortly.
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    Top 8 Linux Myths Debunked

    Ableton and traktor are completely unusable in any of the Linux distros I've tested...even with WINE. So M'eh. They need to get their act together in regards to sound production(or maybe someone needs to build a distro aimed at only that), and then I'll take another gander at what linux is...
  15. B

    Microsoft Has iPhone Coffin Parade?

    This. Substitute the peach iced tea with this new seasonal lemon tea beer I recently discovered, and you've got it down, friend.
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    It Is The “Clean Your Damn PC” Weekend

    I'm a once-a monther if I haven't been inside tinkering more often than that. It's the last this I do before closing up the case and seeing if the new mod or part makes er purr a little more for me.
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    Man from Fort Gay Banned From XBL

    I'd hate to see when someone from Dildo, Newfoundland signs up to Xbox. Yet another reason to be a PC gamer. ;)
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    Why Startups Should Only Hire Good Starcraft Players

    Seems most I've met thus far in IT are gamers of some sort or another. That or musicians(or both, like yours truly). I don't think it makes a lick of difference one way or the other. I got a good giggle out of the article, though.
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    Why Big Companies Almost Never Notice Disruptive Innovation

    This. Amongst a few other very important reasons that are close to my heart...I've really become focused on the Pirate Party of Canada as the folks I'll be voting for in the coming years...and may even go so far as to become a card-carrying member. Heck...even my own parents are looking at...
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    Facebook Places = Epic Fail?

    Facebook was found to have broken any number of privacy laws in Canada...and they have yet to comply with 'em. No surprise that other privacy orgs are catching on. Soon the Zuckerberg will watch his empire of profiles crumble. Can't say I'm at all emotional about it one way or another...
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    Facebook Service to Announce Where Users Are

    M'eh. Cranked up the privacy settings again. No biggie...yet.
  22. B

    Man Scrawls World’s Biggest Message With GPS ‘Pen’

    I've read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Interesting ideas. Sure beats a lot of what I'm seeing out of the MSM these days..made my brainbox grind its gears. And in that sense, I'm a fan.
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    9 Women From Brown Intern at Microsoft

    In the age of equality...I don't see this as news. It's similar to one of Chris Rock's old bits...Someone's looking for credit for doing stuff they're SUPPOSED to. In this case M$. Kinda lame if you ask me.
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    21 Signs You've Been Spoiled Rotten by Technology

    Funny...the satire was great. However...I'm more of a "holy crap that's cool" than complaining/whining about tech. I know I'm spoiled by all of this. And I love it.
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    Libraries Beat Netflix, Redbox in DVD Rentals

    Now if only this was all available online rather than B&M locations...then the MPAA/CMPDA would simply fold as the obsolete dinos they are.
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    Handset World to Steve Jobs: Don't Speak For Us

    All I have to say is thank goodness. This debacle saved me the annoyance of supporting an iphone for a VIP. All it took was pointing him in the right direction for info. He just got really jazzed about the new many folks in his position do, and I can understand...having the...
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    Texas Warns IBM of Outsourcing Contract Failures

    No surprise here. In fact, I'm surprised we haven't seen more of these stories at this point. After all, we are living in the "Age of Incompetence". Combine that with the bureaucracy of IBM...and voila! (Sure, I'm glossing over a lot, that's without question. I still feel we can chalk...
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    Businesses Snooped on by Ex-Employees, IT Staff

    I'm a prick. I don't snoop, but if you ask me to check on why your video won't play and in that same directory is a bunch of others "encoded the same way" and I test one, and it turns out to be porn...I'm going to rat you out. I have no patience when it comes to going against policy. And...
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    Feds Seize Movie Piracy Websites in Sweeping Raid

    M'eh. I can borrow movies from the library...and the MPAA/CMPDA will not see a cent. Someone should just start an online library of media... it would resolve a lot of this.
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    Introducing Hulu Plus for $9.99

    Usenet is still win. And as for paying for ad-supported blah blah...people do that already with cable and satellite subscriptions. In fact, 15 Minutes per hour are what's allowed here in Canada. I don't mind the ads when I'm watching the broadcast over the air. But to pay AND be forced to...
  31. B

    For the [H]orde Give Away 2nd Edition!

    Hrm...if this is open to Canadians, I'll make the switch from my current team. The Pirate Party of Canada has a LONG way to go to get anywhere near the top anyway.
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    The Myth of Computer Security

    "Apple is immune"???!? Anyone else see that? Totally negated everything else in the article, to me.
  33. B

    9000 PCs in Swiss Schools Going Linux Only

    Right on. Linux would be good to have in the toolbelt of life/tech skills. Good to hear this kind of thing, truly. And hey...maybe desktop linux will be advanced a lil by these still needs a few bits n pieces that are well beyond me to production SW...
  34. B

    PowerColor Shows Off 4GB HD5970 Eyefinity 12 Card

    Sure, one could say stereoscopic images died 'round the turn of the century. It's cool that folks are trying to push the envelope with eyefinity and 3D, but I'm with you. They seem mostly like gimmicks to me. (Then again, I have NEVER seen, nor even heard of anyone I know using eyefinity...
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    Police Seize Gizmodo Editor’s Computers

    Everybody wins with News Theatre. Except Johnny/Jane Taxpayer. The Man is choosin to bust down doors at the whim of a Corporation? Damn the Man. :(
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    Windows 7 Now Fastest-Selling Windows OS

    not terribly relevant. the mac vs PC war has always been 99% silliness, 1% actual competition. as my music-production buddies keep saying: doesn't matter if it's an OS made by Maytag, long as it does the job it's designed to do. that said, win 7 has been a fairly pleasant experience so far...
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    The Ethics of Piracy

    This is EXACTLY what I'd like. Only trouble is how to acquire the ream and reams of movies and music from the industries still clinging to the old business models?
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    The Ethics of Piracy

    Pretty sure Canadian law allows me to download any TV currently being broadcast OTA. So I'm in the clear there. As for tunes, haven't bought a disc in a long time. There's a lot of music coming into the public domain worth checking out...and as for the rest, good luck finding what I have in...
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    Data Sifted From Facebook Wiped After Legal Threats

    Knew this was coming. Web 2.0 says what? Oh right, a GIANT mine of data freely handed over to anyone who wants it. I do love being right sometimes. And sure, my stuff's private and I take some of the same smart steps as others, however, I do not consider myself an average person. The...
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    AT&T Taking $1B Non-Cash Charge For Health Care

    Hrm...Even Canadians/Canadian Healthcare isn't immune to the long and broad reach of Big Pharm. They screw us all...coming and going. And that's all I've got to say about it.