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  1. S

    Is Steam Down?

    got comcast too and been working fine all weekend. (MN)
  2. S

    Is Steam Down?

    works for me lol btw that website above is kinda weird. I put in and it said "it's not just you, looks down from here" or something like that.
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    Starcraft II officially delayed until 2010...

    A good game for competitive play I agree, but the original game itself fun? If it was the large majority of players woudnl't be playing random custom games.
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    Starcraft II officially delayed until 2010...

    I still don't get what was so good about starcraft 1. All I see people play are these random custom games. And seeing the pros play regular versus makes it look stressful and not fun.
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    Starcraft II officially delayed until 2010...

    i t hought they never released an official release date so it's not really delayed.
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    New WoW 3.2 patch big changes for mounts

    nobody likes wow
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    What happened to cod4?

    lol there's like 10 videos about this UFO flying hack on youtube mostviewed.
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    How have the WoW expansion packs ruined it?

    You do realize you're comparing what you're experiencing in an MMO to real life right? That's not really a good sign to begin with. Games are made to be fun for everyone. A large portion of WoW players don't have as much time as you do to play the game, so if there weren't things like "welfare...
  9. S

    How have the WoW expansion packs ruined it?

    I totally understand you. however, I still fail to see the connection between making the game more newbie friendly and "ruining it". You said it yourself, you're not mad because the game mechanic itself is different in anyway, you're mad because other players now don't have to work as hard as...
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    How have the WoW expansion packs ruined it?

    so basically they made the game more newbie friendly and all the hardcore players started to cry because they're jealous at all the newbies owning them. Makes sense...
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    Heroes of Newerth beta

    if it's the same as dota they still get exp even if u deny, just less, but thy don't get any gold.
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    Heroes of Newerth beta

    if anyone still got a key send to bzblake347 @ gmail dot com Thanks much.
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    Learning Programming

    java>.net :P
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    TF2 - Next class update, Soldier?

    soldier used to have more rockets but then it was nerfed down to 4 because the were overpowered.
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    My AVA Experience

    you need a life. A life that doesn't involve trashing every AVA thread you see.
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    PS3 Fan never quiets down

    can't you just use compressed air?
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    Learning Programming

    w3schools for web development, it has HTML, XHTML, javascript, CSS, and php. As said above these aren't really programming, but it's really simple stuff to get you interested. For programming, I don't know what you want to do, but java (not javascript) and are the most popular...
  18. S

    Will Blizzard surprise us with a WoW2 anytime soon ?

    blizzard's milking WoW off the subscriptions, why would they waste money designing another game for the same ppl that are already paying for WoW1.
  19. S

    Got a free copy, should I play WoW?

    ur gonna be more pissed off as you play on with the downtime. wait for flight path to finish...wait for a stupid ship to get into another area...gathering boring crapity crap and preparing for a raid, all these things and many other are put into the game just to waste your time. The fact that...
  20. S

    Where do you guys get your games?

    but buying used games is bad for your country.
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    How many 360 controllers have you smashed?

    games are spose to be a stress reliever and not the opposite lol. If I get angry I just turn the thing off and do somethign else.
  22. S

    Tales vs Lost Odyssey?

    u get a ring at about 4-5 hours into the game that has the skill flip tail or something like that which you can teach to all your immortals allowing you to "always flee from combat".
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    Fallout 3

    well to me it's one of those things that qualifies as "you can, but why would you want to?" you're doing it for the purpose of doing it, not for anything else.
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    Fallout 3

    FO3 was good in so many ways to me, but the story was not one of them lol.
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    Tales vs Lost Odyssey?

    I thought the dreams were going to be annoying too, but to my surprise they're very emotional and wonderfully written. Some of them brought me to tears.
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    Where do you guys get your games?

    guy at gamestop almost let me walkout the front door with a "new game" with no disc in it. I asked for a new game instead of used and he went into the back and got one, wasn't sealed, but didn't have the "used" price tag on it. If I didn't check I woulda came back and smashed that piece of shit...
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    Red Faction Guerilla comes to PC on Sept 15th

    yeah I just couldn't get into the gameplay b/c your missions don't feel connected. I mean it's fun blowing up everything in the destructive environment but it gets old.
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    looking for a good free mah jong game :D
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    Tales vs Lost Odyssey?

    well I don't think it's that bad, cause i'm pretty sure you begin to learn that he is the main antagonist not far into the story.
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    Is this the original Half Life 1?

    yes it is. And you can use whatever resolution your monitor supports by putting the res you want in the target line.
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    Modern Warfare 2 comes with night vision goggles

    it'll prolly drop quickly to 49.99. PC games always drop fast.
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    Tales vs Lost Odyssey?

    aight so I decided on lost odyssey cause a friend played it and he said it was really good. Glad I made the choice, I'm about 3 hours into the game about to face the first boss, and so far it's been an amazing cinematic ride. I really like the ring and skill link system they made also. The first...
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    Got a free copy, should I play WoW?

    with your SouL
  34. S

    Penn and Tellers opinion on violent video games

    dude it's penn and teller...that's what they're known for.
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    PS3 Bundle - MGS4 / Killzone 399 Worth it?

    lol u are just looking for a flamewar aren't you.
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    Penn and Tellers opinion on violent video games

    they sure liked getting footage of jack thompson feeding his fish...
  37. S

    Need a new game...

    if you are used to playing shooters, I would start with the sniper, soldier, or scout in TF2. All are very powerful classes that require twitch aiming like in CoD2. Engineer is a really boring class, most people just sit behind their turrets, pyro is fun sometimes but there's little aiming, and...
  38. S

    PS3 Bundle - MGS4 / Killzone 399 Worth it?

    that has nothing to do with how good a game is. And the new MSG is already confirmed on the 360. With that said, more than a majority of xbox gamers think MGS4 is boring as hell.